Questions tagged [azure-deployment-slots]

113 questions
3 answers

Azure: Pricing of deployment slots for an Azure App Service

Azure: Pricing of deployment slots for an Azure App Service. Using an S1 App Service Plan, my web site has up to 5 slots for web app staging. How are those slots charged? Are they billed only if used? Included in the S1 fee? or something else.
Michael Schulz
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Trouble with Slot Setting for Azure App Services

I need to understand Slot Application Settings better for Azure App Services. When they apply and how to use them correctly. I have 2 App Services set up each running 2 slots as below. Site 1 with slot - building-staging Site 1 with slot -…
1 answer

How can I gracefully migrate open Websocket connections after a deployment slot swap?

In my web app when the user logs in to the app, their browser opens a Websocket to the server so that updates can be pushed down to the browser. It's an ASP.NET Core Web App (self-hosted) running in Azure App Services. I'd like to use Azure's…
4 answers

Deployment slot specific appsettin in ARM template?

I'm trying to get into that Visual Studio Resource Group template. So far it's looking good, and I have added some appsettings for a web app, but my question is, how can I make them deployment slot specific? Is there something in the json for the…
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How to know if an Azure function is running in a slot

Can a function know if it's running in a slot? I would like to prevent a function to be executed if in "staging" slot. Updated Base on the answer from Bruce (thanks again buddy), I wrote that blog post…
Frank Boucher
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ARM Templates for Azure Functions with many appSettings for different environments and slots

I've got two Azure Function apps that use deployment slots, stage and production. These two Azure Function apps have about 50~ key:value pairs in Application Settings to define various API keys, application behavior, connection strings, etc. I want…
2 answers

Azure key vault - add access policy for deployment slot

I have an app with 2 slots. I have stored connection strings in the key vault. I have enabled MSI on the app and 2 slots. Also, within the vault's access policy, I have added the app (production slot). However I am not able to add the slots to the…
1 answer

How can I have a staging site for my Azure web app with its own database?

I have an MVC website that is connected to an azure web app and has continuous deployment to a staging site set up. It works great! After I check in, the successful build is automatically deployed to the staging slot of my webapp. After I verify…
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Requested value 'VS2015' was not found. - Azure powershell

I am trying to get my slot info through azure powershell. To retrieve the info i used Get-AzureWebsite -Name mywebsite -Slot staging but azure powershell throws the below error: Get-AzureWebsite : Requested value 'VS2015' was not found. At line:1…
1 answer

Azure web apps: Warning about an "auto-swap lock file"

I'm using Octopus Deploy to deploy a web application to Azure web apps. I'm using the deployment slots with auto-swap feature to warm the app up before making it accessible. Now Octopus Deploy issues a warning after every deployment: An auto-swap…
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1 answer

Azure web apps auto-swap notifications

I'm using a deployment slot called warmup on my Azure web app with the auto-swap feature. My deployment process is as follows: Octopus Deploy creates a release and deploys to the warmup slot Auto-swap warms up the slot and swaps to production as…
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1 answer

How to publish to a development slot in Azure from VS Code

I have an App Service app and a development slot I see them too on Vs Code But when I publish I can not select the slot Any idea please? Regards
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Azure Web App deployment slots with database migration

I'm currently running a webApp with several deployment slots (e.g. dev, staging, production). Every Slot is connected to a database (db_dev, db_staging, db_production). I want to deploy to the staging slot and then switch with production. How do…
2 answers

Azure Web App deployment slots web.config

I have an application deployed hosted as Azure Web apps and I want to create multiple environments for it: staging, QA, Live using deployment slots. I keep all of the apps configurations in web.config and I would like to keep them there. I know that…
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Publishing web app to Azure Websites Staging deployment slot fails with webjob

I just created a new deployment slot for my app, imported the publishing profile to Visual Studio, but after deployment I get this error message: Error 8: An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule: No website could be found which matches…
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