Questions tagged [azure-deployment-slots]

113 questions
0 answers

Azure deployment instances starting with 5min delay between each other

I am working on a slot deployment in azure. Basically the process is the deploy the app into a slot, then use Swap with Preview and once that is done azure calls an endpoint to verify all instances are started and are connected to the infrastructure…
1 answer

Azure Deployment Slots with Post Implementation Testing

Our company website will soon be hosted in an App Service in Azure. The website communicates with an API layer that also hosted in Azure and links to our internal systems and databases. The architecture at this level cannot be changed at this time…
1 answer

Azure Web App Slot Kudu site domain has no dns record after creation

I couldn't find any similar cases by googling, but I have experienced it at least twice in the past a couple of days. Our DevOps process for a Web App deletes the current slot and create a new one then do Web Deploy. The issue is that sometime…
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Azure Functions: Proxy + Deployment Slot + Querystring parameter

I'm trying to implement a home-made "API gateway" for my Azure Functions using proxies to forward requests to different deployment slots depending on a query string parameter: ---->…
Federico Berasategui
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Do Azure Functions deployment slots implement x-ms-routing-name?

I've been testing deployment slots for web apps. By attaching x-ms-routing-name to the query parameters you can redirect a call to a deployment slot (although you first need to manually change the traffic % for it to work). Now I'm setting up…
1 answer

TF400813: Azure DevOps is not authorized

az devops login --organization token able to login AZ Login - Successfully connected to Azure Try to run az devops project list TF400813: The user '1a6dbb80-5290-4fd1-a938-0ad7795dfd7a\' is not authorized…
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Get array of object property names in ARM template

In an ARM template is there a way to get an array containing a JSON object's property names? I don't see anything obvious in the documentation. The closest thing I see is length(object) to get the object's property count but I don't think I could…
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Azure webapi warmup

When reading the docs:, step 4, this is specified: If auto swap is enabled with custom warm-up, trigger Application Initiation by making an HTTP request…
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Static hosting - multiple websites in a single blob storage account

I want to be able to host multiple versions of the website in a single $web container and use some routing method to specify the default folder. I have tried creating 2 folders (WEB1 and WEB2) inside the $web container and uploaded a different…
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Creating a testing/staging db for my testing/staging slot in Azure app service

New to Azure and app services. If I create a deployment slot for testing, is there a way to create a "slot" for a testing/staging db as well? So that if I change data in the testing/staging slot it only changes the data in the testing/staging db and…
1 answer

how can we transform entire web.config from staging slot to production slot in azure?

I have created multiple slots(test, stage and prod) in my azure app service. Similarly I have created respective web.config files for each environment. I am deploying my application through octopus deployment tool in test environment slot, so…
2 answers

Azure Deployment Slots with multiple websites hosted under one App Service plan

I am in the process of moving multiple websites to Azure under one Premium App Service plan. Following the instructions provided here I was able to host multiple sites under one…
1 answer

Web.config transform and Azure App Service slot swap

As I understand, when we swap the slot, we can choose which appSetting key value to be stayed, but if the staging slot got the new key value which is not in the existing production slot web.config, how can we map the new key value in production…
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Managing Azure WebApp Deployment Slots and API Manager

I have a WebApp hosted API secured via Azure AD with API Manager in front of it and that is all working nicely. What I have been trying to do is use deployment slots but of course, that changes the URL endpoint and as such is "unknown" to the API…
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Azure Devops Pipeline to deploy one repository to multiple Azure services

I am trying to create a pipeline to deploy one solution on multiple Azure services. Let's say I have a solution 'TemberSolution' with following projects FunctionsProject -> should be deployed on 'AppFunctions' SupportProject -> should be deployed…