Questions tagged [azure-deployment-slots]

113 questions
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An azure function app will trigger all the deployment slots?

I have a function app with 2 slots (staging and prod), both of them will trigger the upload of a file in the same blob storage. My question is: if both of them will trigger the same blob storage (but act differently), the time I upload a file to…
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Why is Azure app service not reliably reading my connection strings when I am using the production (base app service) slot

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.1 API that I am deploying to an Azure App Service. I use Azure SQL Server for my backing databases. Below is a screenshot of the App Service (base) Application Settings blade. This shows the .Net Framework version set to…
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How to conifgure specify sticky slot settings for Azure function using ARM template

I have app settings that need to be sticky to deployment slots for Azure Function. I followed example provided from below posting. How to use sticky staging slots in Azure Arm Templates However, when the resources are deployed onto resource through…
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angular 2 app on azure read app settings

I want to deploy an angular 2 app to different web app slots (let's say dev, staging and prod) using VSTS CI/CD. Each slot should point to a different web api. Normally one would specify three different environment files inside the app, but the…
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Why would an Azure web site restart multiple times after publishing to a deployment slot and auto-swapping to production slot?

I publish my (pre-compiled) ASP.NET web forms site from Visual Studio to a deployment slot with auto swap enabled so that it'll swap over into my production slot. It works; the production slot eventually gets the new code and it's fine but it…
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Azure Deployment Slots - swapping and retaining connection strings

I recently swapped a staging Azure app into production with the "Swap with preview" function, and after completing the swap, the production app was pointing to the staging SQL DB connection string. In the app settings, I have the staging connection…
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Azure Function slot warmed but still experiences cold start

For our Azure function we use the auto-slot-swapping feature with the following appsettings to ensure our slot is warmed before going live: WEBSITE_OVERRIDE_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_STICKY_SLOT_SETTINGS = 1 WEBSITE_SWAP_WARMUP_PING_PATH =…
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How to avoid hosting restart when deploying Azure Functions with deployment slot?

I configured pipeline to do zero down time deployment for Azure Functions. For that purpose I have following steps: create slot deploy to slot start swap with preview complete swap My understanding of this is process is that all restarts should…
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What is the best way to maintain previous versions of an API in Azure?

My goal is to have previous versions be immutable: they should not change in definition and function. The API is build with ASP.NET Core based on .NET 4.7.2(cause of dependencies) and hosted as Azure App Service. Preferably, I don't want to clutter…
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App Service production traffic going to stage slot

I have an Azure App Service that has a stage slot just for deployment. I got setted 100% traffic to the production slot. But sometimes randomly my production traffic got redirected to the stage slot and all my users went down. After a few minutes…
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How to swap the database in Azure Web App deployment slots?

I understand that every slot has its own configuration, but what about db migrations? How do they apply? Let's say I deploy to staging with migrations, so staging db gets updated. How does production db gets updated? And how do I access the…
Ayed Mohamed Amine
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Point Microsoft Bot DirectLine API to slot instance

I would like to follow Azure best practices and utilize deployment slots for testing my chat bot. I have deployed 2 instances of my bot. Production bot: https://[my-bot] Staging bot: https://[my-bot-staging] I…
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Understanding azure slots swapping and effect on git repositories

I am trying to create 2 different slots in Azure for a Web application (staging and production). I am using "Local Git Repository" to push my already built application to Azure (so, no VSTS). From my tests, I noticed that swapping between the slots…
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Deploying Azure Function Slot from Visual Studio deploys Production

Short: How do I create a publish profile in Visual Studio that deploys a deployment slot vs production slot? Long: That moment when you get a Sev1 call saying that Production is busted and you know that minutes before you just fired off a deployment…
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azure slot swapping and web.config settings

I have several slots in azure , one for qa, one for staging and one for 'live'. I publish to QA and staging at the same time, once QA is approved, I then want to swap staging with live (so that staging now becomes live). My question is, as…