Questions tagged [azure-deployment-slots]

113 questions
1 answer

Change WebApp AppSetting values when creating a new Slot

When creating a new Slot for an Azure WebApp, how can I successfully change one or more of the AppSettings? The docs for New-AzureRmWebAppSlot suggest that there is a parameter called -AppSettingsOverrides, but that does not work. It should be noted…
David Gard
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0 answers

Azure deployment slot not updating with new code from VSTS

I have a deployment slot demo that I want to update with the new application. Both Azure and VSTS confirm the release to the slot was successful. Via the Continous Delivery tab and the Release page respectively. However, when I click on the URL of…
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Azure Web App Deployment Slots - where did the balancing go?

I vividly remember being able to balance traffic between two deployment slots. Has this feature been removed? As it's no longer in the deployment slot blade. What would be the lowest cost (time & infrastructure) approach to achieve the same result?
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Blue-green deployments on Azure for multi-tenancy

Let us say blue and green app services share the same database instances and you can use slots for swapping the applications. How would you handle the schema-breaking changes, as some users may be about to post a request that would not work with the…
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Azure AD Web App with zombie Login Redirect Loop

I'm working on an Azure app with a dev, a staging, and a bluegreen slot. Authentication is handled by Azure AD, and the user is redirected to the microsoftonline login page. I downloaded publish profiles for each slot yesterday and published all…
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Staging slot of node.js app running in Azure as App Service gives me EADDRINUSE

I have a node.js app running in Azure as an App Service. It connects to MongoDB via mongoose + tunnel-ssh. I have multiple App Services deployed in various geo locations and everything works just fine. When I create a staging slot I get following…
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Azure ASP.NET Warm Up and Deployment Slot

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Azure Premium app services with AlwaysRunning option set "on". I created a deployment slot for the web app, deployed my new version, opened the slot URL and everything was fast and stable. I swapped to the production…
Francisco Goldenstein
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VS 2015 Web Deploy to Azure Web App Staging deployment slot overwrites PROD slot

I am experiencing a strange issue with Visual Studio Community 2015 web deployments to azure web apps. I have a Production slot and a Staging slot. When I perform a Web Deploy to Staging, it is also overwriting the web.config in the Production…
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3 answers

Azure Deployment Slot swap redirects to same domain

My scenario is as follows. I have my main site which redirects to (I bought this domain) and created another deployment slot called However when I want to visit the 'dev'…
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Azure Web App drops request during swap

I love the idea of swapping slots in Azure, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. I have a client app that is uploading files to the server, each as a separate request. When I attempt a server swap it will hang on one of the file uploads and…
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Users redirected to staging slot during swap in Azure

Today we experienced something curious and worrying during a swap from our staging deployment slot to our production deployment slot, and we are trying to understand how this could happen. Any insight would be most welcome. We performed a 'regular…
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Swapping deployment slots with Azure reserved IP

I have a cloud service (classic model) and I need to assign a public static IP address to it. I created it through PowerShell New-AzureReservedIP cmdlet and associated with cloud service. Deployment itself is performed via Azure PowerShell and uses…
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Allow traffic from a webjob in a staging slot in Azure

I'm using a staging slot in Azure, where I just allow some IP's to have access to it. I have written the below rule in the web.config file:
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Azure: Can I mirror a deployment slot

After the staging deployment slot has been swapped to production, I know have the old production code sitting in the staging slot. This is fine in case I need to roll back. However, after a while, I know there are no problems. It seems that the…
William Hurst
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Azure swap slots exlude files

How to swap slots and at the same time exclude specific files? In my case I need to exclude the robots.txt file during a swap from staging to production. There is a feature "slot setting" that I'm using for an application setting but this doesn't…
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