Questions tagged [azure-resource-group]

225 questions
3 answers

What does "hidden-link:" mean in Azure Resource Manager Tags

I exported an Azure Resource Manager JSON template from my resource group on Azure. I see a bunch of tags in the generated file like: "tags": { …
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5 answers

Azure ARM Template : Create Resource Group

We are new to ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates. While working on a template, I observed that we have to supply a resource group when deploying our template. Is it is possible to create a resource group through a template like other resources?
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When should we use a parameter when to use variable in ARM templates

I am confused about where to use a variable and where to use a parameter in ARM templates. How do we make this call ? The referenced script uses both. I am more curious of the justification of using variables. Reference Sample Service Fabric Azure…
1 answer

Azure Resource Group Stuck in "Moving Resources"

I was doing some cleanup moving some Azure Cloud Services to a newly created Resource group with the following command Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceNameContains "oldresourcename" | Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroupName…
6 answers

What does the "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key" mean in VSTS ARM release

My ARM template resource group deployment fails in VSTS. I get an error without any specific reference to parameter that has an issue: "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see for…
4 answers

Deployment slot specific appsettin in ARM template?

I'm trying to get into that Visual Studio Resource Group template. So far it's looking good, and I have added some appsettings for a web app, but my question is, how can I make them deployment slot specific? Is there something in the json for the…
5 answers

How to get all Azure Resources without tags in a Azure Resource Group

In my Azure dev/test lab (DTL), there are many resources which were not tagged. How can I get a list of all untagged resources under DTL/resource group?
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Adding Users to SQL Azure Database with ARM template

I am trying to create users inside DB and grant some specific permission each user; with the help of ARM template. But I do not find a way to do it using ARM. Can someone tell me is it supported by the ARM templates to Create Users for DB and…
1 answer

How to pass extra parameters along with New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet

I'm writing a powershell script to create VM using New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet, which is as below. New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name VmDeployment ` -TemplateFile C:\template\template.json ` -TemplateParameterFile…
2 answers

Should I create a resource group or subscription?

We are a software company so we setup solutions for the other companies. I guess we are not unique in this regards :) so I would like to know if we should create a new subscription each time or just a resource group. Requirements: We should be able…
Ashkan Sirous
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Deploying Azure Resource Group project as a part of MsBuild script

I'm trying to migrate our solution from classic to Resource Manager deployment and I've stuck with running the RM deployment as a step of MsBuild build script. For the classic project there is
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How to restore deleted azure resource groups

One of my resource groups has been deleted by mistake. I am unable to find any option in the azure portal to restore it. Is there any option available to restore deleted resource groups?
2 answers

How to move an Azure resource from one region to another region

I have created one Azure Function App in an existing Azure Resource Group. While creating a Function App, by mistake I didn't notice the selected region, and it got created in "South Central US" region. After a significant development, I realized…
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6 answers

Azure Resource Group (2.9) error: PowerShell deployment script is missing

I followed this link ( to create azure resource group. However, I got the error when deploying the Project "PowerShell…
Kim Hoang
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1 answer

Bot Service Web App not supported in Resource Group with existing Linux ASP

When attempting to create a Bot Service hosted on a Web App I am encountering an error when attempt to deploy to a Resource Group where an existing Linux App Service Plan exists. I am not trying to host my Bot Service on that ASP just simply trying…
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