Questions tagged [octopus-deploy]

Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment system designed for .NET developers. It also supports other languages/platforms and non-Windows deployment.

Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment system for ASP.NET applications and Windows Services.


758 questions
1 answer

launchsettings.json, appsettings.json, web.config

I have a couple of confusions: I published an ASP.NET Core project and I do not see launchsettings.json in bin\Release\PublishOutput. If I use Octopus, how do I configure attributes based on server type? Is it possible to move launchsettings.json…
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How to add a folder to a nuspec file

So I'm actually trying to package up a web site project (not web application so no csproj file) into a NuGet package ready for Octopus to consume but am running into one brick wall after another.. I looked into using OctoPack but it doesn't support…
Lee Englestone
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2 answers

Powershell in NonInteractive mode

I use Octopus for our deployments. I have a problem with one of the Powershell scripts to control the deployment: # stops running processes $processes = @("Notepad", "Firefox") foreach ($process in $processes) { $prc = Get-Process…
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4 answers

How to start Docker daemon (windows service) at startup without the need to log-in?

We have Docker for Windows installed on a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter box. We use this box as a build agent for our docker containers. When we try to connect to this box via the daemon to build a container, we get an error message indicating the…
6 answers

Octopus deployment from Teamcity not using the latest packages

I have set up a build step on TeamCity,as described here, to do automatic release deployments to our test server. But it is not using the latest nuget packages that was build in TeamCity. Use Case : Teamcity will create nuget package with version…
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3 answers

How to exclude a folder from a nuget package

I'm using Octopack / Nuspec file to build my nuget package. I would like to exclude certain folders which exist in the project. e.g. the "obj" file. I've been trying to get the exclude tag to work, but haven't had any luck. The nuget file builds,…
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4 answers

How do I gracefully take a web app offline during Octopus deployment?

I was a bit remiss to find that Octopus, as amazing as it is, doesn't do anything cute or clever about shutting down your web app before it is upgraded. In our solution we have two web apps (a website and a separate API web app) that rely on the…
Jason Glover
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6 answers

Cannot add part for the specified URI because it is already in the package

I am using NUGET Pack in teamcity to build a package. But it is creating the following error. I am using nuget teamcity version 2.2.1. Step 2/2: Build Package (NuGet Pack) (14s) [12:10:40][Step 2/2] Cleaning…
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3 answers

Which one is better octopus or msdeploy for auto deployment on multiple servers using teamcity

I have looked into both. Would like your suggestions as to which one is better for automated web deployment on multiple servers.
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1 answer

What are differences between Docker and Octopus Deploy

I have been using Octopus Deploy for sometime now just to deploy a web application onto an AWS EC2 instance. I am aware that Octopus Deploy is .NET specific and the learning curve is quite easy when compared to Docker. I understand one of the point…
ife labolz
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2 answers

Azure ARM Template - accessing a resource Id created by one ARM template in another ARM template

We deploy azure resources using an ARM template as part of our build process before deploying the actual application. So far all our application resources are self contained within a resource group. e.g. A web app that requires a sql server and a…
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1 answer

How to octopus deploy different versions of the dependent assembly in different environments

We have a project that can use two different versions of the certain DLL. We need this deployed in two different environments. Which version of the DLL is being used should depend on the environment. One suggested solution is to copy the entire…
Ivan Davidov
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1 answer

Octopus Deploy vs VSTS Release Tooling

Edited to hopefully better fit community guild lines for questions. I am setting up a CI/CD pipeline for the first time and I would eventually like to setup automated deployments to QA and Production environments. I currently have my source code in…
3 answers

Suppress warning output from Nuget.exe

I'm wondering if I can suppress warning messages in the output from the nuget.exe pack command? Specific messages would be awesome, but I can live with suppressing all of them. The nuget command line documentation mentions a Verbosity flag, but…
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4 answers

How to get Octopack to use custom .nuspec file?

The documentation seems to be really incomplete. All it says is that you can use your own .nuspec file, but it makes no mention of where you're supposed to put it, or how to get octopack to use…
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