Questions tagged [azure-deployment-slots]

113 questions
2 answers

Deployment slots on Azure WebApp

What exactly are deployment slots on Azure WebApp's? Are they separate websites on the same VM/IIS hosting the main webapp? We currently use them and I understand what they do. Just want to understand what's behind the scenes.
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Setup different environments in Azure using GitFlow and slots: Best practice

We have a web application on Azure and we use development slots. We already set up a dev slot using the development branch in our GIT and using Continuous Build. And we have a test slot using the master branch and our GIT and using Continuous…
Paul Meems
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1 answer

Not able to deploy in Azure Production Slot

I have a Linux Virtual Machine, I am able to deploy the app in the cloud service staging slot but not able to deploy it in the production. I am deploying the app through Eclipse, getting the following error Failed : BadRequest: This operation…
Ronald Randon
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2 answers

Azure deploy slot swap && URLs in config files

I'm sure - it's very common Q, but I'm new with Azure and don't sure how correctly even google this question. So - here we have some App service with URL It have "swap" slot, with URL Our deployments scheme is: CI server…
1 answer

Add slots using ARM templates

I would like to create same named slots on two different environments. The difference is that on Integration I want to have autoswap enabled. I tried doing this using condition like below but this does not pass validation because I have two…
1 answer

Appservice and slots deployment issues with ARM template

I have a ARM template code to deploy the webapp and slot creating along with app with respective the environment based on the condition. When i try to deploy the resource using the template it only deploys the web app and the slot is not created…
1 answer

Swap slots after app full initialization

Is there a way to swap slots only after app full initialization? I have a web app on Azure and swapping slots process is pretty fast, but after that, the application had to do the initialization which in my app takes a few minutes, since there are…
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2 answers

Authorizing an Azure REST API Request

I am trying to write a local console application which will swap an Azure Web App slot using the Azure REST API. Using the following code I get a 401 (Unauthorized) response: public async Task Swap(string subscription, string resourceGroup, string…
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