Questions tagged [redash]

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

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104 questions
1 answer

AWS Redshift: columns into rows (wide to long)

I'm writing a query which result will be displayed as dashboard on redash. The query is basically a sum of several columns of table within a specific time range: SELECT sum(col_A), sum(col_B), sum(col_C) FROM table_X WHERE timestamp >…
Victor Mayrink
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0 answers

Integrating Redash into a Docker Container

Problem: Install Redash in my Docker Make Redash charts available inside my App that is running in Docker Test container that is basically removing any 3rd party factor in the issue that just runs a Flask app for demo. from flask import…
Srinath Ganesh
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0 answers

Why Redash SQL query does not end?

I have installed the Redash, I created the MySQL connection on the web and tested it, but when I was executing on the Redash query SQL page, I found that the request was always sent, no data returned. this is redash sql query image execute
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1 answer

Comparing objects inside a nested array - mongoDB

In my db I have a nested array of elements inside each document containing items, in the following form: elements:[ { "elem_id": 12, items: [ {"i_id": 1, "type": x}, {"i_id": 2, "type": y}, {"i_id": 3, "type": x}] }, { …
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2 answers

How to get the time difference between two date stamps and arrange in DESCENDING ORDER

I need the time difference between two datestamps in hours and need to arrange them in descending order to get the median SELECT "fulfillmentshistories"."fulfillmentid" as "Fulfillment ID" FROM FULFILLMENTHISTORIES WHERE (Fulfillments."status" IN…
2 answers

Error with aggregate function in a CASE statement and GROUP BY clause

I have the following CTE that I am using in a larger query and I receive two different error messages based on how I group. I am on Redash and using Amazon Athena. I can group by tenant_id or I can group by tenant_id & my case statement that is…
0 answers

redash cant join two query results

I have a query that runs every day and returns a counter of a column over time: SELECT app_id, env, count(distinct session_id) as num_of_sessions, date(from_unixtime(timestamp/1000)) as st_date FROM "etl_data_parquet"."sessions" where…
Ema Il
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2 answers

Why is "AND NOT field = 'value'" filtering out nulls?

My query looks basically like WITH DATA AS( SELECT fields FROM table WHERE [many conditions] AND NOT field1 = 'string' ) SELECT foo, bar, CASE WHEN field1 IS NULL THEN 'other_string' [other…
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1 answer

Setting up Redash Instance in private subnet. EC2 status check failed

Issue Summary I would like to set up Redash Instance in private subnet, but it didn’t work well. The instance status check is “1/2 failed”. The question is whether there is some necessary setting in addition to the setting introduced in the…
1 answer

Is there a better alternative to writing multiple subqueries in SQL?

I am querying on Redash to extract an aggregate list of parking places with a pricing grid. The listing table consists of parking details (Name, address, link) and multiple pricing columns depending on duration of stay. I am using two tables (park…
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0 answers

Redash: Unable to send invitation/passowrd reset mails

After setting the email env variables as per (for AWS SES) sudo docker-compose run --rm server manage send_test_mail works, and I receive the email as well. But invitation emails do not get sent. On trying…
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1 answer

How to insert query filter based on count result in redash

it is a simple question I believe, but as I'm not familiar with redash it seems hard. I have a query in redash, SELECT si.variant_id, v.sku, COUNT(CASE WHEN a.viewable_type = 'Spree::Variant' THEN …
Nur Atiqah
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0 answers

MongoDB aggregation transformation

I have a MongoDB, which is used in Redash to query some data. For a Funnel i want to display via Redash i have a MongoDB query that results in something like this X Y Z 20 10 35 But actually the Funnel Chart in Redash requests a table that…
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1 answer

Getting Error "The security token included in the request is invalid" UnrecognizedClientException when calling the StartQueryExecution operation

I am getting error while setup data source connection in redash with athena credential. I have a valid access in athena where i can run query and fetch logs from S3. Now i want to integrate athena with redash, SO i am getting error "An error…
1 answer

Unexpected flickering when using react-native-redash

I'm new using react-native-redash to perform some animations based on react-native-reanimated library (which is awesome in terms of performance). My code is the following: const Alert = (props) => { const [visible, setVisible] =…
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