Questions tagged [react-native-reanimated]

202 questions
1 answer

How to consequently animate several elements with react-native-reanimated?

Assuming I have two Views and I need to animate them consequently, i.e. First view animates First view finishes animation, second view animates How exactly do I do that with react-native-reanimated? I've found very little information in the…
Nikita Neganov
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1 answer

Native base Footer accepting touches for player in react native

I have a MainFooter components that contains the footer and mini player which animates to full-view when clicked. I have a problem that whenever we click on one of the footer Tabs, the player maximizes and then got stuck there only, being…
6 answers

Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'NativeReanimated' could not be found

so this is the first time I used Reanimated 2 and unfortunately my App get crashed with the above message. Unable to view my app screen. Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'NativeReanimated' could not be found. Verify that…
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Only run Reanimated animation on TextInput focus/blur

I am currently learning to create React Native Animations with the RN Reanimated and Redash libraries. I've managed to create a simple timing animation which transitions a TextInput placeholder into a label. import Animated, { Clock, Easing, set,…
Conor Watson
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2 answers

React-native-reanimated: Unable to resolve "./useValue"

I am trying to build a react native app. I have caught an error on the terminal saying Unable to resolve "./useValue" from "node_modules\react-native-reanimated\src\Animated.js" I reinstalled react-native-reanimated to the expected version…
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How to get numeric value from Reanmited Value?

I create a simple animation using react native reanimated but I can't access the numeric value of Reanimated Value I using victory native pie chart, and I want to make a simple effect that pie angle goes from 0 to 360 but I've tried react-native…
0 answers

Pangesturehandler and Scrollview not working together

I coded a menu using PanGestureHandler and ScrollView. The problem is; when PanGestureHandler is active, ScrollView's scroll is not working. I mean swipe function is working but scrolling is not work. My expectation is using these two feature…
3 answers

View moves out of the screen when Text Input is focused used on Bottom Sheet in React Native for Android

I'm using the library - I'm using a TextInput on this bottom sheet. And now when the Text Input is focused or typed in, the bottom sheet should remain at the same position. It works fine…
3 answers

How to listen to value change in react-native-reanimated?

I have created a simple animation with Animated from react-native with react-native-svg. This do the jobs well, But Now I switched to react-native-reanimated cuz I read on their website that reanimated is faster than Animated from react-native. But…
2 answers

Collapsible header in react-native-reanimated with multiple tabs in React Native

I'm trying to create a screen in React Native with 2 tabs (using react-native-tab-view) with the following layout: ------------------------ | Collapsible Header | |------------------------| | Tab A | Tab B …
0 answers

button Sliding effect using react-native-reanimated

I have this view that map a list of buttons and display them to the user, then the user can select which view to see. it use a list because this component is used in multiple views and the buttons are different. I wanted to create a sliding effect…
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React native reanimated v2 Scale + Opacity withRepeat

I am trying to implement scaling View with Opacity togather through React native reanimated v2, but not able to contol withRepeat ... Below code is just Perform scaling withRepeat but not Opacity. How to control Opacity + Scaling of view withRepeat…
4 answers

React Native / react-native-reanimated-bottom-sheet / How can I change the background color of the view behind the sheet?

In the demo, the last two examples have a dark background, but I don't see a way to change it from transparent to dark, and I see nothing in the source code related to style or color. Any advice?
Mohammed Ibrahim
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0 answers

How to make materialTopTabNavigation sticky to parent screen animated view (header)?

I am trying to make the tabBar from materialToptabNavigator sticky to an animated view inside the parent screen that acts as a header for all the tabs. I have seen some examples with other libraries that do this, but I haven't found one that uses…
1 answer

Detect Swipe direction using React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated

We have already developed a swiper using React Native PanResponder, (before somebody comment) - we cannot use any other swiper library here. In the swiper we developed, we are facing an issue when a user ends the swipe(meaning releases the Pan)…
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