Questions tagged [redash]

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Check for more.

104 questions
1 answer

How to write a python script in Re-Dash?

I have already edited the .env file and added the export REDASH_ADDITIONAL_QUERY_RUNNERS=redash.query_runner.python into it I have python as a datasource now. But I'm not sure how to write python code to be executed under a query after selecting…
Niraj Fonseka
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0 answers

Retrieve all columns in PostgreSQL while specifically formatting only one

I'm using redash on a PostgreSQL db and for some of our tables, querying all columns using SELECT * returns an error akin to column X is not JSON serializable. My understanding is that it's because a column contains a datetime range (and doesn't…
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1 answer

Redash MongoDB query by ObjectID

I have a collection with the following document structure: { "_id" : ObjectId("58aa706c658d1dc6c700002c"), "source" : "web", "type" : "Comentarios", "email" : "", "updated_at" :…
0 answers

What files do I need to work on to add a route for the new page I created on the Redash app?

The Redash app uses Universal Router for routing, I’m not familiar with this package so what I want to do is add a new route for my new page to access it. I need to know when should I add my new route (what files) and how. I need help can someone…
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2 answers

SQL Query to Retrieve Monthly Data

I'm working with the following SQL Query in Redash, the query retrieves monthly data from table. SELECT * FROM Table WHERE "Date" between '2021-04-01T00:00:00.669976+00:00' and '2021-04-30T23:59:59.669976+00:00' I'd like to know if there's a…
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0 answers

How do I write an efficient query to retrieve phone numbers attached to an ID?

I'm new to SQL and Redash, and I'm currently working on a query that retrieves phone numbers given the ID as shown below SELECT "ID", "Phone_Number" FROM Table WHERE "id" = '7559' OR "id" = '1754' OR "id" = '8679' OR "id" = '6606' OR .... .... "id"…
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0 answers

How to fetch specific user by email ID in redash API?

I want to fetch specific user by his email in Redash, using its REST API. Currently, I first fetch all users, then I create a map from user email to other data like id and groups. And then I use this map, to get the information about particular user…
Ruchit Vithani
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0 answers

Enable permissions in Google Sheets based on a user attribute

I've been looking at Google Sheets as a possible way to serve some reports for a restaurant franchise management company... I had to abandon ReDash because it lacks granular permissions on queries/reports. There's also not a way to incorporate user…
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Does QuickSight have API to return query results

I am new to QuickSight. I created a dashboard by writing a custom SQL query from Athena. I was wondering if QuickSight provides API to return query results. I know for Redash, it has API to return query results: /api/queries//results. So I was…
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1 answer

How can I assign pre-determined codes (1,2,3, etc,) to a JSON-type column in PostgreSQL?

I'm extracting a table of 2000+ rows which are park details. One of the columns is JSON type. Image of the table We have about 15 attributes like this and we also have a documentation of pre-determined codes assigned to each attribute. Each row in…
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2 answers

clickhouse modify arrays inside arry

Given the following query: SELECT arrayZip(Groups.Names, Groups.Scores) AS ZipGroups, arrayZip(Symbols.Names, Symbols.Scores) AS ZipSymbols FROM rspamd WHERE (IsBayes = 'spam') AND ((Action = 'no action') OR (Action = 'greylist')) AND (Score…
0 answers

Access data in sql column in format of map

I have a column in sql table in which the data is of the format table_name ---------------------------- | id | col_1 | |----------------------------| | 1 | {key1=val1,key2=val2} | | 1 | {key1=val3} | …
1 answer

Install python libraries on all openshift pods

I have a redash server deployed on an on premise openshift cluster, with about 20 pods. I want to install new python libraries on the server and I'm able to ssh to one of the pods using oc rsh and run pip install x. The problem is that I have a lot…
1 answer

Reports/Visualization on top of Databricks SQL Analytics(Redash) query history?

Is it possible to directly query the query history (logs) from Databricks SQL Analytics workspace and develop some reports on query metrics?
0 answers

Redash in AWS EC2

Can anyone list out the steps for running redash in AWS EC2? The redash home page provides the AMI ids but does not give clear information on what the steps are after the EC2 instance is UP. Goal: Need to run redash in an AWS EC2 instance
Tharun Kumar
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