Questions tagged [redash]

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

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104 questions
2 answers

How to Use regular expression in Redash Mongo Json Query

I have MongoDB as Data source. I want to query in redash which will be the equivalent following:- db.collection.find({“templateId”:/XYZ$/}) This query return all data from the collection where key templateId end with string XYZ. How can I use the…
1 answer

HTTPS on a custom port other than 80 and 443

I have a website, let's say (Apache, Ubuntu 16.04) I've installed Letsencrypt and the site is accessible via HTTPS. On the same server, I have Redash running and that is accessible via port 90. So, to access Redash, I go to…
Silver Ringvee
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Convert a list in day,H-M-S to Hour format in postgresql

Convert my entire list which is in days , hours-min-sec FORMAT TO only hours which is a whole number because I need to calculate the median of the new list. For each product id the number of hours is calculated. I have only pasted a bit of my list.…
1 answer

Redash How to create table visualization inside a table visualization

Is it possible to create a table visualization in Redash and when i click on a row it will collapse (or any other solution) and display a table of related data? For example if i created a table visualization of all customers in my database (one…
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1 answer

Not able to connect mongodb via redash

I am trying to connect to mongodb to redash from local machine. 1) Both mongo and redash are on standalone system. 2) I am able to connect to mongo from terminal. Please see the my terminal details after, I login to it. rahul@rahul-VirtualBox:~$…
Rahul Singh
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1 answer

How can I find median in sql

How can I find median in sql. I am trying select date, sum(amount), median(amount), count(user) from table group by 1 It shows an error that function median(double precision) does not exist
Avinash Kumar
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0 answers

How to upgrade the redash that running on ECS of AWS?

Hi,I don't know how to upgrade redash ,my redash is running by ECS on AWS and it depends on redis and rds that run on AWS too. I pulled redash from docker hub and run it by ECS on AWS,I look into this website…
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1 answer

How to combine two different counts from two different date ranges sql

I'll try to keep this simple. I have two queries that work just fine, they both count how many users signed up that day between a specific date range. Query 1 - gets a list of users that signed up for each day a year from today. Here is a picture of…
1 answer

How should I write IAM to make only a certain VPC can send mail via SES?

I use Redash on EC2 instance, and I have to send invitation mails via Amazon SES. I'd like to add a setting to restrict mail sender to inside a certain VPC where the Redash instance is located. Here's my IAM for SES: { "Version":…
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1 answer

BI tool redash cannot parse unicode chinese

I want to query a column in Redash with SQL, but it does not support Chinese. Can anybody help me? Thanks! SELECT, user_history.user_id AS `汉字id` FROM data_platform.user_history WHERE dt = {{ dt}}
1 answer

502 bad request when I reboot aws AMI redash

I have created a new server redash in aws Region us-west-2. after a setup superset in server but error. I reboot server instance in aws and redash don't active. Bad Gateway: The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server…
1 answer

How to get rows within specific sequence of value?

I need to get sessions where I one sequence of values in specific order. Now I have this query which returns sessions for each user from raw data select user_id, page, happened_at from db as u1 where exists (select 1 from db as u2 where…
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1 answer

How to get user sessions?

I'm working with redash and I need to get user rows where for each row delta between date field is less than hour. In more details: I need a session, user activity where it has some actions where end of the session defined by last action + 1 hour.…
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0 answers

How to return both a scripted field as well as document fields in Elasticsearch?

I am trying to build a query that will return both its normal document values as well as one scripted field which I need to add some string to (enclose it in a anchor tag). A friend told me to add _source: true but it just won't work. If I add…
Luis Novo
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2 answers

Aggregate data from days into a month

I have data that is presented by the day and I want to the data into a monthly report. The data looks like this. INVOICE_DATE GROSS_REVENUE NET_REVENUE 2018-06-28 ,1623.99 ,659.72 2018-06-27 ,112414.65 …