Questions tagged [redash]

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

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104 questions
1 answer

On a redash dashboard, what causes "Error running query: 100035 (22007): Timestamp 'd_yesterday' is not recognized"?

On a Redash application instance backed by a Snowflake database, I've got a dashboard set up with a number of queries, each of which take a parameter of type date named startDate. Each of my queries are coded to apply the dashboard's selected date…
Jon Schneider
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0 answers

How can I connect Druid to Redash correctly?

By following Druid and Redash tutorial( and, I get the error below. I tried port 8100, 8082, 8081…(Considering the default config, I…
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1 answer

Best approach to ocurrences of ids on a table and all elements in another table

Well, the query I need is simple, and maybe is in another question, but there is a performance thing in what I need, so: I have a table of users with 10.000 rows, the table contains id, email and more data. In another table called orders I have way…
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0 answers

Integrate Redash metadata with Snowflake

I have integrated Redash with Snowflake as one of the data sources. We get value of parameters such as query_id, query and user_name in Redash metadata table events which gives us all the metadata related to queries executed on Redash…
0 answers

Take Redash parameter to the column header

I want receive such text in column header Bill payer 01.07.2020 – 30.07.2020 in my mind it must looks like select 1 as "Bill payer " || to_char('{{ date_start }}'::date, 'DD.MM.YYYY') || ' – ' || to_char('{{ date_end }}'::date, 'DD.MM.YYYY') of…
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1 answer

Update query for Mongo document in Redash

I am trying to look for a query to update a record in Mongo document using Redash. I came up with the following query but it does not work. Can anyone please help? What I know about Redash is that it uses Pymongo. { "collection": "Application", …
Sohail Ahmed
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1 answer

I am working on a dashboard where I ask for a date and query results for previous 30 days

I am working on a dashboard where I ask for a date and query results for previous 30 days. I am trying to use the dateadd function but it is throwing the error month cannot be resolved. Here the end date part is parameterized. I am not a pro at this…
1 answer

SQL query cannot use NOT LIKE to get results

I am starting out in SQL and am trying to do a query that will select all event names that are unique and do not have 'TODAY-XXXXXXXX' in the value for the event_name column. I have a query that works fine for getting the unique values from the…
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0 answers

Redash metadata DB migrate

I am using Redash v5.0.0 and PostgreSQL for metadata in an EC2 instance. I can create Redash v8.x container on ECS and PostgreSQL on RDS, however how can I migrate metadata in EC2 for Redash v5 to RDS for redash v8?
1 answer

Extract substring from column based on values from another table in SQL

In SQL (let's assume ANSI standard SQL), is it possible to extract a substring from one column, based on another table, and put this substring into another column? Example, from the following tables: VISITS name …
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1 answer

How can I authenticate against ADXProxy using app key authentication?

I am trying to access an Azure Application Insights resource via Redash, using the (preview) ADXProxy feature. I've created an App Registration in Azure, and I've got some proof-of-concept python code which can successfully access my Application…
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1 answer

Redash - Change Postgres connection port

Is it possible to change the port Redash connects to Postgres? I had initially set-up Redash successfully and connected to Postgres, but after a few days, it was impossible to start Postgres on port 5432. I even tried reinstalling but it forcefully…
3 answers

convert '19th October 2018' into date in Presto/SQL

I have a column of strings which have been extracted from email content. The strings are in the format:- Tuesday 12th March 2019 I can use split_part to drop the Tuesday (anything up to and including 'day' is cut) but that's a lot more difficult…
1 answer

MongoDB Redash - FieldPath field names may not contain '.'

I am new to mongodb. I am trying to take the daily count. I want count of those element where the fields I_C or L2_C exist and for the last 3 months. I have written this code, but it is showing error - "FieldPath field names may not contain '.'".…
1 answer

Jupyter with Redash Dynamic Query

this is my demo of Redash's data. and here is my Jupyter demo code: from redash_dynamic_query import RedashDynamicQuery import pandas as pd import json redash =…
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