Questions tagged [redash]

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Redash is a tool to connect to any data source, easily visualize and share data using saved queries etc.

Check for more.

104 questions
1 answer

Get the list of user sessions SQL Redshift

I've got a table with 3 fields: userID, url and a loged datetime of user action. I want to write a query in sql Redshift in Redash, which returns a list of user session (all actions which have less that an hour between them) with fields userID,…
1 answer

Redash how to change the dashboard datasource?

I'm new to Redash and trying to use it to analyze data. I have created several queries and added to a dashboard. Is Redash possible to change the datasouce on dashboard level instead of changing the datasouce of query one by one? (all datasource…
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Redash issue with Google Sheets

I have redash setup and I am able to connect to gsheet datasource but when I attempt a select query select * from 1YaipA_nhUq5zl37EZ9tFa32qc4kgF1cMlo41ch1lcF4 I am getting Error running query: Spreadsheet (select * from…
2 answers

How to uninstall Redash

My current installation of Redash is somehow corrupted (installing it in a new PC worked fine so I know my local copy is broken), and I want to basically remove it fully and install it again. I cannot find any documentation of how to uninstall…
Srinath Ganesh
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Change Values to Keys in MongoDB aggregation query

I have analytics documents in MongoDB that look like this: { "_id" : ObjectId("id1"), "userObjectId" : "abc", "eventType" : "First Signup", "date" : ISODate("2017-09-10T20:46:42.144Z") } { "_id" : ObjectId("id2"), …
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how to embed javascript ,html and css as a part of sql query through redash opensource tool

Postgres query: SELECT "KPMID", "CustomerID" as "cust_id::multi-filter", "KPM_Name", "Report_Period" as "rep_id::multi-filter", '' "Actual", CASE WHEN "TrendCode" = 'R' THEN '
Vijay Rajagopal
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1 answer

Redash chart converts x-axis to years when it's not

I ran a query that has results similar to these: _col0 | _col1 1 | 151 2 | 4324 ... 17 | 23413 When I try to create a chart, putting _col0 on the x-axis presto assumes the axis indicates years and gives me a graph with 20XX instead of…
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Without mysql stored procedure or udf

I am trying to implement a mysql query for some report and can't figure it out. Let's say we have a 'companies' table, a 'users' and a 'company_users'. The requested result set is: 'company_name', 'active_users', 'date'(lets say 30 days back). So I…
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3 answers

expand a JSON data into new columns in a generic fashion in Redshift

I have a DB table like SomeSchema ID Params 1234 {'normalized_CR': 1.111434628975265, 'Rating': 0.0, Rank': 1410} 1235 {'normalized_CR': 1.123142131, 'Rating': 1.0, Rank': 210} How can I expand this data into individual columns by same…
Anshul Goyal
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1 answer

redash SQL query inner join with query

I am using redash to display data and am struggling to figure out how to show only specific images for this join query. The problem is with my last AND condition which seems to break the query (AND "images"."imageable_type" = "BrandProfile"). Below…
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How to create 'Week column' based on another date column?

I have column 'jobstarttimeiso' and I want to create another column for Weeks of the year based on the date. How would I go about doing that? I am using Redash to query from redshift database. Please help! Thank you.
Phillip Le
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1 answer

redash change nginx port

I installed redash with dock-compose on an ubuntu machine, in the " docker-compose.production.yml", nginx port is "80:80", now I want to change a port for redash, how should I do? Just change it to "5433:80" does not work. enter image description…
1 answer

inner join on 2 values (datetime and id) same table

I have 2 tables: device_color device_alerts both tables have data specific to a device_id and datetime, for example device color: device_id, datetime, color device_alerts: device_id, datetime, alert now there can be multiple records per device…
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1 answer

What does @> mean in SQL

Hi i have code that uses @> in a select statement. I need to change the query from redash counterpart to bigquery. I have searched about the @ that means the argument will be taken after in order to prevent it from sql injection. select u.user_kvs…
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