Questions tagged [mixer]

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

See related Wikipedia article.

189 questions
1 answer

Set ALSA master volume from C code

I've been looking for a simple C code example to set the master volume of the ALSA mixer but could not find anything simple for this supposedly common operation. I'm totally unfamiliar with ALSA, so making my own minimal example will take time. I…
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7 answers

Get Master Sound Volume in c#

I need to get the current volume of the output to the sound card. Any ideas how?
Alon Gubkin
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2 answers

Java - recording from mixer

I have a problem connected with my previous question. I want to record audio from mixer (speakers), I'm using javax.sound. I have to set up audioFormat and I don't know what to type there :/ Using class ListMixer (which I found here ->…
Krzysztof Kaczor
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1 answer

Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances?

I need to run two instances of AudioTrack at the same time. They must run separately because I'm playing them at different, variable sample rates. I found that if I run them in the same thread, they "take turns". I'm running them each in their…
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6 answers

Can Java Sound be used to control the system volume?

Java Sound offers FloatControl instances for various sound line functionality, and both a MASTER_GAIN & VOLUME control type. Can these controls be used to change the system volume?
Andrew Thompson
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2 answers

Getting individual windows application current volume output level as visualized in audio Mixer

I am trying to write a C# code that outputs the current audio output level from each of the windows application accessing the sound output (as shown with constantly changing green bars of the Volume mixer). The program will check every 10 ms, and…
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4 answers

How to mix audio samples?

My question is not completely programming-related, but nevertheless I think SO is the right place to ask. In my program I generate some audio data and save the track to a WAV file. Everything works fine with one sound generator. But now I want to…
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1 answer

How do I mix multiple audio streams into a single recorded stream with Java?

Using Java Sound, Tritonus and JavaFX, how can I intercept data sent to the speakers and record it as a file? For example, I want to mix JavaFX media player audio streams (and/or Java Sound audio streams) into a single "wav" file in the same way a…
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2 answers

How to adjust microphone gain from C# (needs to work on XP & W7)

First, note that I know there are a few questions like this already posted; however they don't seem to address the problem adequately. I have a C# application, with all the pInvoke hooks to talk to the waveXXX API, and I'm able to do capture and…
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1 answer

audiokit: playing two oscillators simultaneously

Hello I'm working with AudioKit -- it is a stellar framework and I'm very happy so far just learning it. I'm working through a HelloWorld example and there is code for a UI button that engages an oscillator at a frequency... My question is: if I…
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1 answer

In Java, how do I record the sound output that is going to the speakers?

I have a java application that is taking in sound from multiple sources, and one of the abilities of the user is to record what is happening in the application to an AVI file, and I would like to include the sound in that video capture. How do I…
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0 answers

How can I determine which Windows process is the "audio session" governing the current process's output?

I happen to be using Python bindings here, but I suspect that the problem, and the eventual answer, are not Python-specific. On Windows 10, using Python bindings to Windows' Core Audio library, specifically via pycaw.AudioUtilities.GetAllSessions(),…
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2 answers

When/how is an application added to the Windows 7 Volume Mixer window?

I'm trying to get an application which ran okay on XP to run properly on Windows 7 (this is not something I wrote - I'm helping a friend.) It was able to play audio on XP but cannot on Windows 7 - nothing is heard. Have exhausted a search and check…
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2 answers

how to mix two audio channels?

I have two mono audio channels (pcm format) of audio call, incoming and outgoing. how to mix them? how to position them in space? (e.g. incoming channel sounds slightly on the left and outgoing on the right)
Andriy Tylychko
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1 answer

PyTest with single django model creation

I'm using mixer to generate my model and running them with pytest. All I wanna do is generate my model only one time and run several tests with the same model I generate. Here is what I want: Code import pytest from mixer.backend.django import…
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