Questions tagged [tritonus]

Tritonus is an implementation of the Java Sound API. Currently, GNU/Linux i386 and Linux/PowerPC is supported. Some separately downloadable plugins also run on other JavaSound platforms. Support for other platforms is planned for the future. Tritonus is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. Unsure if Tritonus can be useful for your? Read How to use Tritonus.

Tritonus is an implementation of the Java Sound API.

Currently, GNU/Linux i386 and Linux/PowerPC is supported. Some separately downloadable plugins also run on other JavaSound platforms. Support for other platforms is planned for the future.

Tritonus is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.

8 questions
1 answer

How do I mix multiple audio streams into a single recorded stream with Java?

Using Java Sound, Tritonus and JavaFX, how can I intercept data sent to the speakers and record it as a file? For example, I want to mix JavaFX media player audio streams (and/or Java Sound audio streams) into a single "wav" file in the same way a…
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2 answers

Upsampling wav file for Android Devices (Bluetooth LE)

I have been trying for about a week now to get an extremely difficult concept completed for a project. I am attempting to use the 19 bytes BLE allows to transfer raw PCM data through Bluetooth LE to all other Android devices in the vicinity. I used…
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1 answer

How to play GSM 6.10 compressed files in Java

Can you please tell me how these lines of code can be modified to be able to play some GSM files. File audioFile = new File(audioFilePath); AudioInputStream audioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audioFile); AudioFormat format =…
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1 answer

Java using mp3, ogg and wav files with javax.sound.sampled.Clip (or getting the bitrate of the sound file)

My goal is to play multiple mp3, ogg, or wav music files at the same time in order to create adaptative music in a video game. Instead of using the Clip class from the java sound API, I managed to create a class named Track which, thanks to mp3spi,…
0 answers

AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat not working with mp3 Java

I am trying to convert an mp3 file into Audio Input Stream with Java. Following is the portion of my code. **File file = new File("/root/Desktop/files/Song1.mp3"); AudioFileFormat baseFileFormat = null; AudioFormat baseFormat =…
0 answers

To avoid that an imported Library override a specific Java method

Hypotesis: I import inside my project, in Netbeans, the external library "Tritonus_remaining_0.3.6" (I import the compiled .jar file) I need to use the mehod "javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(MY_AudioFormat__Target,…
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I can't import TAudioFileFormat

I use netbeans 6.9.1. All I want to do is to get the total length of an mp3 song. What I know is this requires tritonus.jar and I have downloaded that and I have imported it to my src file of the package. And it appears in my projects tab under the…
0 answers

How to decode and play gsm audio files?

I have already posted a question here on how to play GSM files few weeks ago. I have faced lots of issues in order to decode and play back the stream coming from the server using jcifs. The following code works properly with uncompressed audio wav…
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