Questions tagged [rate]

A measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against some other quantity or measure.

A certain quantity or amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another thing and used as a standard or measure (e.g at the rate of 60 miles an hour).

458 questions
9 answers

Android approach for "Rate my application"

Is there a best practice approach to prompt Android users to rate your application? Considering they could acquire it from or Google Marketplace what is the best route to handle this in a way that allows users to vote?
Keith Adler
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10 answers

Rate Google Play application directly in app

I need to make rate option in my android app. I found this link but I'm not sure that want I search. I want to just provide ability for users to rate my app on Google Play.
Matrosov Alexander
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2 answers

How to Add "Write a Review" / "Rate Us" Feature to My App?

I wish to add some sort of a "Write a Review" or "Rate Us" feature to my app so my customers can easily rate and review my app. Best practice I can think of is to have some sort of pop-up or open a UIWebView within my app so the user is not kicked…
Ohad Regev
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6 answers

Realtime currency webservice

Anyone know of a real-time currency rate webservice with frequent update (multiple pr. min.). Needed for a small android app I'm building, so needs to be free.
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4 answers

Use application to rate it on market

I am currently developing an application in Android Where I want to give some functionality to user to rate the current application. Their will be a button on it's click it will ask ask whether user want to rate the application or not? If yes…
Sandip Jadhav
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2 answers

How to know if a specific user has rated a Android App?

In my android app i need implement a functionality that allow ask the user if he wish rate this app, if the response is "yes" i am going to redirect to androidmarket app, when the user already rated the app, the app shouldn't ask him for rate again.…
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3 answers

iOS HealthKit how to save Heart Rate (bpm) values? Swift

How to use : HKUnit Sample type Unit type Unit name Unit string Heart Rate count/time Beats per Minute "count/min”
Vinod Joshi
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1 answer

getting the highest GPS update rate from the GPS Hardware in my Android

I got to program Android from other platforms I used with GPS . on the other platfroms I had access to the GPS HW (I had a low level GPS driver) and by that I could get GPS updates 5 times per second and even more Now I work with Samsung Galaxy S2…
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1 answer

Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances?

I need to run two instances of AudioTrack at the same time. They must run separately because I'm playing them at different, variable sample rates. I found that if I run them in the same thread, they "take turns". I'm running them each in their…
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3 answers

Rate-Limit an API (spring MVC)

I'm looking the best more efficient way to implement (or use an already setup) rate limiter that would protect all my rest api url. the protection I'm looking at is a "call per second per user limiter" I had a look on the net and what comes out was…
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6 answers

Do browsers limit AJAX polling rate? What is the limit?

I just read that some browsers would prevent HTTP polling (I guess by limiting the rate of requests)... From Note: As security restrictions of most modern browsers prevent HTTP Polling from being usable anymore…
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3 answers

Understanding histogram_quantile based on rate in Prometheus

According to Prometheus documentation in order to have a 95th percentile using histogram metric I can use following query: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le)) Source:…
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3 answers

Twitter API rate limits for posting updates

I have an application for sending out say around 100+ tweets every day. I am using OAuth for authentication. The twitter API says that post messages are not rate limited. However I am receiving the following error: 403:The request is understood,…
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3 answers

SKStoreReviewController not working

Why is "SKStoreReviewController's" send button is greyed out and doesn't respond on touch? Maybe it's related to that I am in DEBUG mode?
Karen Karapetyan
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1 answer

Android How to get Google Play Store Link before release

I would like to release my app in a few days. In my app there is a rate-button where the user should be linked to the google play store. Is there an opportunity to add this function before releasing the app? Or do I have to release it and add an…
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