Questions tagged [audiokit]

AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for macOS, iOS, and tvOS.

Use this tag to get answers on AudioKit. Please post code that you have tried. Make sure it is actually a question concerning AudioKit. Questions for toolchain, language or software design should also contain more tags to get a wider audience.

Getting help

There are three methods for getting support for AudioKit, roughly listed in order of what you should try first:

  1. Post your problem to StackOverflow with this audiokit tag.

  2. If you don't have a problem that you can post to StackOverflow, you may post to our Google Group, but it is a moderated list and prepare to be rejected if the moderator believes your question is better suited for StackOverflow (most are).

  3. If you are pretty sure the problem is not in your implementation, but in AudioKit itself, you can open a Github Issue.

Links to documentation, samples and code

855 questions
1 answer

Trying to combine 2 Audiokit examples: MicrophoneAnalysis and Recorder: crashes when I hit record

I am trying to combine MicrophoneAnalysis and Recorder examples. It keeps crashing at the line try recorder.record. 2018-01-08 21:21:48.507019-0800 Music Practice[90266:18761122] [avae] AVAEInternal.h:70:_AVAE_Check: required condition is false:…
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Crash when EZRecorder calls ExtAudioFileWrite on iPhone X

I have a sample app that uses AudioKit to record audio and display a waveform of that audio data. This sample app has two viewControllers with the root vc being a blank page with a button that will take the user to the audio recording page. For some…
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AudioKit - no sound output

I try to use AudioKit to ouput a pure sine wave. I've tried to set up a new project like on there homepage, and also tried there "Hello World" Example, included in the AudioKit Download. Both builds fine, and the…
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CoreAudio crash - _GetHWFormat: required condition is false: hwFormat

I'm working with two application modules: 1) Recording module with this audioSession setup: try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord) try audioSession.setMode(AVAudioSessionModeMeasurement) try…
Nadir Bertolasi
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Audiokit strange amplitude values on small frequency

I'm trying to build simple spectrum analyser using AudioKit library for iOS: Yellow line is max, red is current - changes 10 times per second. The problem is, that amplitude values for first few frequency points are too high, that i think is…
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How to apply audio effects in iOS

I use AVPlayer to play audio(streaming or local file). For this audio I want to apply some effects - boost volume, skip silence, reduce noise, change speed(in 0.1 intervals). I did same thing in android by creating own player, decoding different…
Martin Vandzura
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How to save audio file with AudioKit?

I have audio file. I made some effects on it let pitchshifter = AKPitchShifter(self.audioPlayer) pitchshifter.shift = 10 AudioKit.output = pitchshifter It works if I play it in app, but I want to save it as a new file to use it as avasset later.…
Nikita Koltsov
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2 answers

Read note from MIDI file using AudioKit

I am trying to build a sequencer that render the note from midi file. Currently I am using AudioKit for the music data processing. Would like to know how can I get the note data / event from the midi file with AudioKit. I have tried to use…
Tony Fung Choi Fung
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AKMIDIListener not receiving SysEx

I am using AudioKit's AKMIDIListener protocol on a class to listen for MIDI messages. This is working fine for standard messages such as Note On, but SysEx messages are not coming through. func receivedMIDINoteOn(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber,…
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AudioKit crash: required condition is false: !destNodeMixerConns.empty() && !isDestNodeConnectedToIONode

We are experiencing an exception in our project: 2019-08-08 10:18:28.703708-0600 AppName[99385:5069475] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception '', reason: 'required condition is false: !destNodeMixerConns.empty()…
Jordan H
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1 answer

AVAudioSession .defaultToSpeaker changes mic input

I have an app taps the microphone and also play sounds depending on mic input(don't have to be simultaneously tho) This code below works. But one problem is the output plays on the small top speaker and not the bottom real loud speakers. I could…
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2 answers

How to connect AKSequencer to a AKCallbackInstrument?

I want to read a midi file and display things when note events are triggered. I found this stackoverflow question, where the second answer suggests to use AudioKit : How Do I Get Reliable Timing for my Audio App? More precisely, the suggestion is to…
1 answer

How to mix the audio files and upload to the server

I am using AudioKit in my project. By using the process suggested in the mixing nodes playground example, I am playing the multiple audios. My requirement is to upload the mixed audio to the server and displayed and played some other screens. I…
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0 answers

Audiokit logging - 55: EXCEPTION (-1): "" - repeatedly

I updated to latest version of Audiokit 4.5 and my Audiokit class that is meant to listen to microphone amplitude is now printing: 55: EXCEPTION (-1): "" infinitely on the console. the app doesnt crash or anything.. but is logging that. My app is a…
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2 answers

AudioKit 4.3: record audio, render it offline, then play it

I'm trying to record audio, then save offline with AudioKit.renderToFile, then use AKPlayer to play the original recorded audio file. import UIKit import AudioKit class ViewController: UIViewController { private var recordUrl:URL! private var…
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