Questions tagged [mixer]

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

See related Wikipedia article.

189 questions
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Pygame / Tkinter music player: Time slider causes choppy audio

I'm building a music player with Pygame & Tkinter and currently trying to add a working time slider that allows you to jump to a specific point in a song by dragging the slider. I set the value of the end of the slider ('to' in config) to the…
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Setting the Microphone Boost in Windows 7

I have been searching and scouring the web for help with setting audio properties from code. I have several systems in each of several locations that are regularly used to capture spoken audio through the microphone. To insure that the captured…
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How to globally mute and unmute sound in Vista and 7, and to get a mute state?

I'm using the old good Mixer API right now, but it does not work as expected on Windows Vista & 7 in the normal, not in XP compatibility mode. It mutes the sound for the current app only, but I need a global (hardware) mute. How to rearch the goal?…
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How to change volumes of individual programs?

I want to be able to change the volume of a single program just like I do with the Mixer that is embedded to Vista and Win7(I don't know about Win8). I couldn't find any sample code or reference that will get me going. I prefer to use .NET platform…
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iOS 3D mixer works in iOS 5+ but not in iOS 4.3

I've set up a kAudioUnitSubType_AU3DMixerEmbedded as part of a functional AUGraph. I've set the output ASBD of the mixer to the following: Sample Rate: 44100 Format ID: lpcm Format Flags: C //…
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Pygame mixer in a subprocess does not work

Debian OS. I call a subprocess subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "/home/pi/"]) And in, I play a sound with: def load_sound(url): class NoneSound: def play(self): pass if not pygame.mixer or not…
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How to control the Microphone Boost in Windows 7?

I am trying to control the Microphone Boost (level/(un)mute) in Windows 7 using the MIXER API in a C/C++ application, but I do not get the controls for the same. Can it be done using WASAPI? Can somebody suggest any other API to control the…
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How do you reserve a pygame.mixer Channel in pygame?

How does reserving channels work? Can I reserve specific channels or are they picked randomly? There is no clear documentation on how it works and I seem to do it wrong because mixer.findChannel() still picks reserved channels. Here's my code: …
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When to use Release method?

I'm creating a "mixer" application that controls volumes of audio sessions and endpoints. My question is, does calling Release method on IMMDevice invalidate previously acquired IAudioEndpointVolume reference? In my program it looks something like…
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How to display the last (n) of streams (links) from a user using the Mixer Api

TLTR: From this ( api endpoint I receive this value: id: 302772586 (for example) but the value that I need is this one: Where…
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How to open and close a music file properly for pygame mixer without hanging/freezing Python?

I'm developing a music player in Python 2.7 and I have a problem I can not solve. Sometimes it's necessary to unmount the SD card I'm playing from. Since pygame still keeps the last played file open after pygame.mixer.stop() and…
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Skipping sound track (

I am making a snake game with pygame and I want to know something about Code: snakebodypos.insert(0, list(snakepos)) if snakepos[0] == foodpos[0] and snakepos[1] == foodpos[1]: …
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Volume Mixer — Get applications name, and their process ID

Is there any way to get applications name and their process ID from Volume Mixer? And if it's not possible to get their Process ID, is it possible to manipulate their volume level?
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Changing volume in pygame.mixer (almost) no effect

I'm trying to make an application in tkinter that has a number of buttons you can assign sound on and play it later. The click of the button itself only calls play() method, so loading of the sound is done beforehand. I tried making some kind of…
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When do I need to use mixer pre-init as oppsed to just mixer.init?

What is the difference between pygame.mixer init and pygame.mixer pre init? I saw a tutorial and he used pre-init, but the explanation wasn't clear. Should I just use mixer init, or do both?
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