Questions tagged [mixer]

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.

See related Wikipedia article.

189 questions
0 answers

Java: How do I change my audio output device from the default?

So I'm working with text to speech. I need to have it play out on a specific line (over my tv instead of over the default headphones). I managed to read the devices and grab the correct line with static void printAllMixerNames() { …
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Android 5 - Change default audio input route to use external USB card on Streaming

I'm trying to use a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Android 5.1.1 (rooted) as an basic audio/video live stream equipment but I can't route audio from an external USB card Behringer UCA202 Class Compliant 1.0 to default phone camera application. Default…
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1 answer

Set ALSA master volume in dB from C code

I can't seem to be able to set the volume in dB on my Machine. I am running a Ubuntu 13.04 System in a VirtualBox (for development). I followed these instructions to set the volume as scalar and to control the mute state and everything works just…
1 answer

Android: How to configure "tinymix" to record system audio with "tinycap"

in Android it's currently impossible to record system-audio with the Android-SDK. Therefore I played around a bit with TinyALSA (since Android 4) and hope I can reroute the audio-out so I can record it. When I call "tinymix" on my device I get…
Martin L.
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Play audio through muliple channels with python

Is there a way in python to play two different mono mp3 files through the left and right channels? I have two mp3 files and I want to play one through the left speaker and the other mp3 through the right speaker, programatically in python. Any…
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4 answers

Why doesn't my PyGame mixer play sounds,?

My PyGame mixer in 2.7 won't work with the sound option. I can make it work with but not with mixer.sound, with mixer.sound it makes a small ticking noise and then stops. Code: import pygame pygame.mixer.init(frequency=22050, size=-16,…
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1 answer

How to realize a multi channel audio pre-mixer in .net

I'd like to use C# to implement an application that can play multiple audio streams at the same time. Peanuts - now the interesting part: assuming every stream is single channel (mono) I want to adjust the volume for every speaker (5.1 or even 7.1)…
Marc Wittke
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2 answers

Can't set multiple musical instruments in iOS using MusicPlayer and AUGraph

I have a MusicPlayer that holds a MusicSequence containing 3 MusicTracks. I have set up an AUGraph with 3 AUSampler Nodes plugged into a multichannel mixer, which in turn is connected to an output node. I am using a SoundFont, and would like my 3…
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mixing two audio file using mixer

how can i mix two audio files into one file so that the resultant file can play two files simultaneously? please help.. here what i am doing is that i am taking two files and concat them into another file.. but i want the file to be played…
pal sarkar
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4 answers

How to emulate/replace/re-enable classical Sound Mixer controls (or commands) in Windows Vista?

I have a problem (and have been having it for some time now) -- the new sound mixer stack in Vista features new cool things, but also re-invents the wheel. Many applications that used to use Volume Mixer on a Windows system to mix different voiced…
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1 answer

Audio Mixing with Java (without Mixer API)

I am attempting to mix several different audio streams and trying to get them to play at the same time instead of one-at-a-time. The code below plays them one-at-a-time and I cannot figure out a solution that does not use the Java Mixer API. …
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Windows application volume mixer

I would like to list the applications displayed in the windows volume mixer. In this example, "sons systeme", "Windows" and "spotify" I write some code and I´m able to count and list those applications. The problem is I cant fetch their name nor…
Erwan Douaille
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1 answer

Two different audio file playing on Left channel and right channel with pygame

I have a code where I specified two different audio files in two different channels and plays simultaneously, but I need a way to make each file play on only one channel and the other on the other channel. For instance, two audio files playing…
3 answers

How to set a Mixer's volume to a slider's volume in Unity?

I'm trying to make some audio settings. Here is my script: public AudioMixer masterMixer; public float masterLvl; public float musicLvl; public float sfxLvl; public void SetMasterVolume () { masterLvl = masterVolumeSlider.value; …
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Mix multiple audio streams into one playback-sound using Gstreamer

I want to use Gstreamer to receive audio streams from multiple points on the same port. Indeed I want to stream audio from different nodes on the network to one device that listen to incoming audio streams, and it should mix multiple audios before…
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