Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
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C# HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large - unable to gracefully handle this error

HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large This is a webforms app, and I have these set in web.config:
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How to customize the response body for HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large in ASP.NET Core API

I configured maxAllowedContentLength in web.config file in ASP.NET Core API project to limit upload files size. When I upload a file that exceeds the request content length, I get HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large. But the response body of…
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413 Payload too large after setting the file size limit to 15MB

I have an app where a user can upload audio files(usually 5mb ~ 10mb in size) and an image file. It worked when I upload files from localhost but when I tried uploading from live server, it says 413 Payload Too Large. I tried adding LimitRequestBody…
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413 request entity too large apache

I am getting the exception in mod_jk.log **[error] ajp_marshal_into_msgb::jk_ajp_common.c (597): failed appending the activation state ACT** and request is failing with 413 status code in apache. Apache worker parameter…
1 answer

HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large Throw error rather than increase size

So I am getting the error "HTTP Error 413.1 - Request Entity Too Large" because I am attempting to upload a very large file. When I get this error, the whole site crashes to display that error page. On every SO or online post regarding this issue,…
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PHP curl - 413 Payload too large on retrieving certain web pages

This code works fine for the majority of webpages, but I have started receiving the follow output error for certain web pages. Unexpected HTTP code: 413 payload too large I have included a webpage that produces the error in the code variable…
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How to determine the message length of a request entity?

There is a certain API i must call a number of times in order to retrieve some specific information. I do this by making POST requests, with data = {...} (some dict which specifies to the API what exactly i want it to return) Naturally, I want to do…
1 answer

Nodejs showing 413 Payload Too Large on nginx server

I'm running this code on my Amazon AWS server without load balancer. It's a simple server I setup. I'm trying to run a code that crawls for data, written in nodejs. Currently, it's showing the error shown below when I upload a lot of data to…
Elaine Byene
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CloudFront responds with 413 after AWS Cognito redirect

I have a React app built using Serverless NextJS and served behind AWS CloudFront. I am also using AWS Cognito to do authentication of our users. After a user successfully authenticates through AWS Cognito, they are redirected to my React App with a…
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HTTP 413: Request too large

Using Apache 2.4 & PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 18.04. Default Apache conf file. I'm trying to upload ~700 jpegs (totaling ~100MB, largest one being ~1MB) to a Laravel app, for a single one it works but for the larger request size I get: The server returned a…
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Large File upload - 413 Request entity too large -Tomcat9 - Apache 2.4 reverse proxy - AWS-alb

We have a web application with file upload functionality. The application is deployed in Tomcat 9 app server in EC2 with apache web server as reverse proxy in EC2. Separate AWS application load balancers are used to load balance both tomcat and…
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The remote server returned an error: (413) Payload Too Large. .net WebClient

I'm trying to download a webpage. It was working previously but now I'm getting 413's specifically mentioning 'Payload too large' (unlike what seems to be the normal error message 'Request Entity Too Large') Here's the code; I've tried all sorts of…
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Jenkins deployment to Tomcat 9 failing with HTTP 413 error

I'm trying to deploy a war file from Jenkins using tomcat7-maven-plugin version 2.2 into Apache Tomcat 9 server. org.apache.tomcat.maven tomcat7-maven-plugin
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Reverse proxy server randomly cause 401 error for same user session

We have set up a reverse proxy server (IIS). Internet users login thru reverse proxy to our SharePoint servers. Most of the functions are working well but when uploading small files, randomly users will get 413 error. It occurs on Chrome, Firefox,…
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Cross origin error when uploading a file to express server

So I use React to upload a file to my express server, doing this localy works however when I push the code to my nginx express server I keep on getting Cors errors. How would I be able to solve this problem, I currently user cors package…
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