Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
1 answer

Jsoup, HTTPClient, HttpURLConnection. How to get a response html, if the server always returns a 413 error code

When sending a GET request to[request string] server always response 413 error. In browser this request show html page with javascript redirect. But in Jsoup when get this URL…
1 answer

PHP falsely triggering 413 with nginx?

I'm using a proxy script (located here), which is for a two-step checkout (customer puts their billing information on step 1, clicks 'Next', then puts payment info on step 2). When they click 'Next' on step 1, the proxy script accepts a PUT request…
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2 answers

okhttp3 - 413 Request Entity Too Large

When my system send a http request using okhttp3 the follow issue occurs: 413 Request Entity Too Large I would to know how I set a maximum size in okhttp3 request or if there is another solution for this issue. public static String post(String url,…
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