Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
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HTTP 413 and 200 response code while launching the application

What could be the possible reason for few client machines to see persistent HTTP 413 error ( request entity too large . Page couldn't be displayed ) while others can launch fine and get persistent 200 response code in IIS logs . Why this two types…
1 answer

PHP 'move_uploaded_file' getting 413 Request Entity Too Large

When trying to upload a 130mb file I get 413 Request Entity Too Large. Using Network Solutions web hosting. I've used .htaccess: LimitRequestBody 10485760000 and php.ini: memory_limit = 10000M upload_max_filesize = 10000M post_max_size = 10000M
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The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large on IE while launching the application

Can someone help me with this issue ? This issue is persistent for few users while working for others . While they are launching the application they are facing this issue on IE , windows 2008 .Error code is HTTP error code 413 . I checked the…
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413 Request Entity Too Large in docker

i'm running a laravel project in docker, i'm uploading file on amazon s3 but when i upload file bigger than 5mb i get this error 1 i've already edited the nginx.conf file with client_body_buffer_size 400M; client_header_buffer_size…
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Http Error 413 requesting k8s service which does not have an ingress configuration

Inside my cluster, there is a service that returns 413 when requested via POST with a large request client body size, > 10MB. Since this service should not be reachable from outside the cluster I am wondering how to increase this setting in order to…
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Transfer large files using WCF Service - Retrieve Error 413

I know this topic has been discused multiple times already, but unfortunately non of the provided solutions workd for me. I try to transfer large files (up to 1.5 GB) from a client console application to a WCF service. But I always get an HTTP error…
Markus H.
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Best practice when returning a 413 response from REST API

My REST API occasionally needs to return a 413 'Payload too large' response. As context: I use AWS with API Gateway and Lambda. Lambda has a maximum payload of 6Mb. Sometimes - less than 0.1% of requests - the payload is greater that 6Mb and my API…
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Google App Engine Blobstore API on Django

I have an app built in Django and currently deployed on Google App Engine. Everything works fine except for when I want to upload files larger than 32MB. I get an error which says, 413. That’s an error. I have been doing some research and I've come…
2 answers

413 'Request Entity Too Large' using Python and API

I have a huge array of postcodes and I want to use "" API which gives the longtitude and altitude data for given postCode in python. When I request only for 3-4 postCodes It doesnt give an error but when I want for a huge amount of data…
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Error "Request entity too large" - all properties have top values

I'm trying to consume a WCFservice, but i'm getting HTTP 413 error "Request entity too large". I configured WCF service's web.config with the following:
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Is 413 Payload Too Large pointless from server perspective?

Consider a POST request, sending a big file. At some point - either after reading Content-Length or during reading the body, if chunked transfer - the server decides that the body length is too big. According to http, the server should reply with…
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Geoserver - GetFeature SHAPE-ZIP request - 413 error

I am using Geoserver with an app written with OpenLayers 3. The app can download zipped shapefiles using a WFS service, which works unless I make a large (long URL) request. In that case I get a 413 error in Chrome. Is there a way I can change…
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I become the error message "413 Request Entity Too Large nginx"

I have a script (similar to youtube) on my Dedicated root server, but I can not upload large video files. I get this error message: 413 Request Entity Too Large nginx The programmer has written a php file, which directly displays the error…
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413 request entity too large jetty server

I am trying to make a POST request to an endpoint served using jetty server. The request errors out saying 413 Request entity too large. But the content-length is only 70KB which I see is way below the default limit of 200KB. I have tried serving…
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The remote server returned an error: (413) Request Entity Too Large in WCF

WCF Service is returning The remote server returned an error: (413) Request Entity Too Larg but data size only 80KB i configured 2GB max size. I tried in stack overflow but still I am facing the same issue. Configuration: