Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
1 answer

How to increase input payload size in wso2 API manager

How to configure input payload size in wso2 API manager we have to send payload size is more than 2MB. that is application/json request 413 Request Entity Too Large
1 answer

Retrofit 2 - SSLException instead of 413

I'm trying to send a file (230MB) to NGinx/1.10.2 server. The server is configured to handle max 200MB. I send a file like this: @Multipart @POST("api/test") Completable test( @PartMap Map params, @Part…
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BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 413?

i want to submit an array to my server through the following method. my array also contain images in string format(encoded in string format). without images string it work for me. but when i add string encoded images it give the following…
ibad ur rahman
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Mailgun and Laravel - Resulted in a 413 Request Entity Too Large

I am trying to attach a 75M File to and email using laravel. I keep getting the error below. Using answers from other "duplicate" questions. I have added the upload_max_size, post_max_size and even tinkered with LimitRequestBody Non of that is…
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PHP + Ajax: Uploading large content via Ajax (413 HTTP Code)

I've spent good 2 days on this issue and I'm reaching a desperation point. I am hitting my request limits when I am uploading file content via Ajax - Request Entity Too large. I am on an Apache server. I am able to modify php.ini and htaccess but…
Allen S
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Alternative to ajax and form post when uploading image to server

I'm using summernote text editor and the default behaviour when uploading a file is to upload it as base64. So i decided to store these images in storage throught ajax and php, but when i pushed the changes to production, image upload failed becouse…
1 answer

Dropbox Core API 413 error on creating a share link

Im currently trying to create a share links for a pdf file that was just uploaded through my App while using the Dropbox Core API. The code is below:''+name+'?short_url=false',{ …
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WCF Error 413 Request Entity Too Large issue not solved by maxReceivedMessageSize

I encounter a 413 Request Entity Too Large error on my WCF 4.0. Here's the server web.config file :
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Rails 3.2 Nginx-Unicorn 413 Request Entity too large

I'm running a Rails 3.2 app on an nginx-unicorn set up and when I try to upload a file (using dropzonejs) that's 1MB or larger I get a "413 Request Entity too large" error. I've tried changing the nginx.conf file to increase: client_max_body_size…
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How to create multiple chunks out of large payload before HTTP POST - python

If the posted message is too large, say either larger than m MB or n entries, then the server will respond with 413 Request Entity Too Large. I should be able to divide the data into smaller chunks and re-POST it. I researched about multi-part…
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Sending files through WCF by MVC (Status 413)

Hello I am creating simply mvc application to manage files in database. I am using wcf service with with web.config like that: