Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
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MeteorJS send files

I need to send an audio to the meteor server, but I keep getting a 413 (Request Entity Too Large) I'm using a FileReader to read a file as a binary string and then send it to the server const reader = new FileReader(); …
1 answer

AngularJS getting status code 0 for 413 (Request Entity Too Large) in Loopback API

1. Some info I have an AngularJS 1.3.15 client-side app making requests to my loopback api. In the app, I intercept request results (with $httpProvider.interceptors) and interpret the status codes to display meaningful messages when the user does…
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Google App Engine 413 error (Request Entity Too Large)

I've implemented an app engine server in Python for processing html documents sent to it. It's all well and good when I run it locally, but when running off the App engine, I get the following error: "413. That’s an error. Your client issued a…
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Errors 504 and 413 in fresh installation on NGINX server

I have set up my first nginx server and in PhpMyAdmin i am getting the following errors: Error 413 - Request Entity Too Large Error 504 - Gateway Timeout Reloaded I used the following line and install the nginx and php files. sudo apt-get install…
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Error 413 payload too large when upload image

have a nice day. I'm trying to upload image from local by using base64 to do image detection. And everything works fine in localhost and postman. But after deploying, I got CROS error. I've already got cors middleware in server.js const express =…
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Where to find the conf for DropWizard embedded http server?

We have an application (Restful api) built using DropWizard. When we try to post with a body with size 906KB, it throws exception "413 Request Entity Too Large" error. I googled around and see the solution seems to change the http server (ngix,…
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Request entity too large when passing POST data in curl

I have a fastcgi++ service. It takes 4 parameters through POST because one of them is a password. My sample input is 61 characters. This is how I am calling my service: curl --data 'name=test&address=abc&phoneNumber=0987654321&password=test123'…
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Undocumented Sheet API limitation problems

I already looked at posts with people getting similar issues but couldn't find a clear answer. I try retrieve a 2D array of 264735 slots using this lines of code: var optionalArguments = {majorDimension: "ROWS", …
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How to increase the max http request size limit for HTTP triggers in Cloud Functions

I'm trying to invoke a google cloud function sending images larger than 50Mb. The purpose of the cloud function is to resize the images and upload them to google cloud storage. However, when I send the HTTP post to my cloud function I get the…
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WCF error when using SSL / TLS

We have an application that is using a http binding that has this configuration on the client side:
James R
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413 Request Entity Too Large on DigitalOcean

I have changed client_max_body_size to 100M on etc/nginx/nginx.conf, I have changed upload_max_filesize to 100M on etc/php5/fpm/php.ini and post_max_size to 100M on etc/php5/fpm/php.ini and I still cannot get the file upload to work. Has anyone else…
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Inconsistent response using input type="File" using ColdFusion 8

We are running ColdFusion 8 in IE-10 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0 and using HTTPS. The Test.cfm page has this basic code for creating a "browse" button to select a file to upload and then uploading the file:
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Why am I getting Request Entity Too Large WITHOUT file?

I am making a GET request and I am appending 40 strings to a query parameter. And each string is 100 chars long. Why would I be Request Entity Too Large error even though there is no file involved? Also, if I understood the limitations of a query…
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Django nginx 413 Request Entity Too Large

After logining the admin page it is returning 413 error (Request Entity Too Large). Than I added client_max_body_size to my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and restarted nginx, but it didnt helped :( I know that this error is a common one, but I had to ask…
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Hotjar returns 413 Request Entity Too Large

I'm using react-use-hotjar and I can see from adding logging call backs that hotjar is successfully initialising with the correct site id and identifyHotjar calls are working also. However, no recordings are showing up in the hotjar dashboard. In…
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