Questions tagged [http-status-code-413]

The 413 or 'Request entity too large' status code means the server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

108 questions
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SSRS gives error 413 in Chrome

I have a report in SQL Server Reporting Services in integrated mode (baked in to SharePoint) which has a multi choice dropdown that can have more than 1000 values. The report works as expected in IE 11 but in Chrome (latest version at this point) I…
1 answer

NodeJS Http status code 413: Increasing body parser limit

I am sending an image file from an android client along with some other data. The image is sent as a Base64 string. I am trying to store the image in the server but it returns a 413 http status code. Some solutions suggested increasing the…
ashwin mahajan
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413 Request Entity Too Large, using CodeIgniter: phpinfo() indicates proper max size

When using the upload functionality in CodeIgniter, if I try to upload a pdf file that is larger than 20M, I either get a "404 file not found" or a 413 Request Entity Too Large. I can see that it is "Uploading nn%", up to about 97% or 98% and then…
3 answers

HTTP 413 error posting to SharePoint web service

I know the "HTTP 413 Request Entity too large" error is a FAQ. But I have a variation that I've been unable to figure out for two days now. I've created a WCF service endpoint as part of an on-prem SharePoint 2013 application (see below). The web…
1 answer

Web Service error : HTTP 413: Request Entity Too Large

My system: IIS 7.5 Visual Studio 2010 Framework 4 I have make a Web Service that receive a file(byte array). I have make a console app that consume it(Add Service Reference-->Advance-->Add Web Reference). With http it is working perfectly. But I…
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Apache with mod_ssl and mod_proxy returns 413 Request Entity Too Large

I have a apache which uses SSL and ProxyReverse which transfers the incomming request to a simple rest webservice running on a tomcat. The problem I am now facing is that my apache returns an HTTP 413 Request Entity Too Large if send an POST Request…
Chris S.
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load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (Request Entity Too Large)

I have a serious problem. When i upload an image file from form via php post method after 15 seconds i have the following response load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (Request Entity Too Large) The fact here is that my image…
Vasileios Tsakalis
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nginx client_max_body_size has no effect?

I know this has been asked several times before but I just can't make it work in my config. I'm getting 413 error when trying to upload files larger than the default nginx value of client_max_body_size with is 1 MB. This are my…
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Web API returns status 413

I am consuming a ASP.Net WEB API written in c# hosted in IIS6. When making a POST to the API it returns HTTP status 413. The API (not WCF) returns response as long as the content in the body is around 32+KB. If the size is like 40 KB then it errors…
1 answer web api: IIS8 - (413) Request Entity Too Large

I have web api application hosted in IIS. This app has 100mb in
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STILL 413 Request Entity Too Large

Running apache2.2 with php5. Trying to upload a 1.9MB image file and is getting Error 413 Request Entity Too Large. Tried all the possible settings I could find so far and is still giving me that error, can anyone think of anything else that I am…
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Node/Nginx, 413 request entity too large, client_max_body_size set

Pretty similar to I've got a Node server (using Loopback) running on top of nginx (to be specific, the dockerfile/nginx image), but whenever I do a…
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What is the maximum file size for assets stored in Apigee API BaaS?

Looking at the Apigee docs, there doesn't seem to be an indication of the maximum allowed file size for assets in API BaaS. Currently I'm trying to POST a 39MB archive using the following CURL command: curl -X PUT -i -F name="archive" -F…
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WCF 413 Request Entity Too Large - Self Hosted WebHttpBinding

There are many discussions about this problem, however I have now tried every possible solution and we are still getting 413 Request Entity Too Large errors from the server. Our WCF service is self hosted via an Azure Worker role, and does not use…
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php curl api call fails with a 413

Have been playing this for a while its a function to connect to an api the un / pw and url are definitely correct. However it keeps failing with a 413 error code which I understand to mean the data stream to the server was too large but all I am…
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