Questions tagged [google-sheets-api]

The Google Sheets API lets developers write third-party applications that read and modify any aspect of spreadsheets.

The Google Sheets REST API enables developers to create applications that read and modify the data in Google Sheets.

This API is useful for:

  • Managing the worksheets in a Google Sheets file
  • Consuming the rows of a worksheet
  • Managing cells in a worksheet by position
  • Performing complex formatting of cell text

Example quickstarts are available for most popular languages, along with Google-provided client libraries.


3524 questions
5 answers

Google Sheets API returns "The caller does not have permission" when using server key

I've generated a server key in the API Manager and attempted to execute the following on my Mac: curl '' But this is what it returns: { …
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12 answers

How can I access Google Sheet spreadsheets only with Javascript?

I want to access Google Spreadsheets using JavaScript only (no .NET, C#, Java, etc.) I came here and was shocked to know that there is NO API for JavaScript to access Google Sheets. Please tell me how to access (CREATE/EDIT/DELETE) Google Sheets…
8 answers

Accessing Google Spreadsheets with C# using Google Data API

I'm having some information in Google Spreadsheets as a single sheet. Is there any way by which I can read this information from .NET by providing the google credentials and spreadsheet address. Is it possible using Google Data APIs. Ultimately I…
8 answers

How do I access (read, write) Google Sheets spreadsheets with Python?

I am wondering if you can point me to an example of reading/writing to/from a google doc/spreadsheet using python. I did look at google docs API here but not sure if I hit the right link. Also…
3 answers

Google Sheets API: How to find a row by value and update it's content

I am working on an Android application that uses a Google Spreadsheet as a database. The application should GET, APPEND and UPDATE values in a spreadsheet, using the Sheets API v4. The first two functions are working fine but I have difficulties…
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1 answer

How do you insert a single row into Google sheets using Sheets APIv4 Java

If I want to insert a row into Google sheets using Java at a specified index, then write to that row, how would I go about that?
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3 answers

Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential

I am trying to update Google sheet values. "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential." I want to do this using API key not outh 2.0 Can anyone have any…
Rana Ghosh
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5 answers

Get list of sheets and latest sheet in google spreadsheet api v4 in Python

I am trying to read and write values of different sheets in python 3 following the google official documentation. Though I am able to read values from certain sheets using range property in rangeName = 'Class Data!A2:E' in the code block mentioned…
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6 answers

How to convert Time into decimal float in Google Sheets using Script?

I want to convert the time HH:MM into H.xx Like I am getting it in this format: Sat Dec 30 00:00:00 GMT+05:21 1899 But this value is 04:29 in cell. I want it to be 4.5 hours to multiply it to hourly rate.
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8 answers

How do I rename a (work)sheet in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using the API in Python?

I have been trying/looking to solve this problem for a long while. I have read the documentation for gspread and I cannot find that there is a way to rename a worksheet. Any of you know how to? I would massively appreciate it! There is indeed…
3 answers

Is it possible to use json key instead of p12 key for service account credentials?

I am using "Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2 Client Library" with C#. I am authorizing to Google BigQuery using "Service Account" (see To create the X509 certificate I use the p12…
10 answers

Googlesheet APIv4 getting empty cells

I have a googlesheet where a column may contain no information in it. While iterating through the rows and looking at that column, if the column is blank, it's not returning anything. Even worse, if I do a get of a full row and include that…
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4 answers

Google Sheets API: Create or move Spreadsheet into Folder

Is it possible to create a Spreadsheet in a specified Folder or do I have to use the Drive API to move it afterwards?
Hans Bickhofe
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2 answers

Reading whole Google Spreadsheet with Sheets API v4 Java

I would like to read a Google Spreadsheet like described in the Java Quickstart The Quickstart explaines how to read data from a give range ..... String range = "Class Data!A2:E"; ValueRange…
Michael Meyer
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2 answers

How to increase Google Sheets v4 API quota limitations

The new Google Sheets API v4 currently has an unlimited read/write quota per day (which is fantastic), but restricted to 500 reads/writes per account per 100 seconds, and 100 read/writes per key per 100 seconds (or, I have found, multiple keys…
Peter Jansen
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