Questions tagged [continuous-deployment]

A software engineering approach in which teams keep producing software in short cycles and ensure that the software can be released to production at any time.

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a continuous automation process where deployment of software to production systems is fully automated. This ensures that fixes and new features can be brought to production quickly.

This usually includes having a good set of automated tests to automatically verify the fitness of the software for production use.

See the article Continuous Delivery on Wikipedia for more information.

2362 questions
0 answers

How to reuse value for cloudformation stack parameter in codepipeline deployment?

I have a codepipeline in which I have a deployment step to updating a cloudformation stack. This stack has multiple parameters and I just want to reuse the current parameter values as such without passing it in *.conf configuration file. Is it…
0 answers

How to use Codepush with App center in React-native

I started to use Microsoft App center to improve my CI/CD process developing my react-native app, but I can't understand how the update flow works together with codepush. I configured 3 branches dev staging release The current Flow: I merge a new…
1 answer

Problem running steps inside custom docker container using GitHub Action

I'm using GH actions for testing a GO application, I created on docker-hub a custom image (guerra1994/go-mqtt-docker) with docker(DiD)/go/mosquitto and in action file I just used with label container:. (my expectation is it runs all steps inside the…
1 answer

Azure CI/CD: On-Premise deployment failing

I am trying to deploy my code from Azure to my local machine. The steps I followed: Created deployment group Run register script on my machine(the folders successfully created in C:\azagent) Created pipeline. For pipeline the generated YAML is: #…
1 answer

GitLab keeps loading and finally fails when deploying a dockerized node.js app

GitLab Job Log [0KRunning with gitlab-runner 13.2.0-rc2 (45f2b4ec) [0;m[0K on docker-auto-scale fa6cab46 [0;msection_start:1595233272:prepare_executor [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing the "docker+machine" executor[0;m [0;m[0KUsing Docker executor with image…
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How can i remove Azure Pipeline Build from GitHub checks

I just setup CI/CD for a GitHub repo. The CI build which validates a pull request is setup up as GitHub Action. The CD build (which should run after the pull request was merged) is setup using Azure Pipelines as i would like to use the artifacts…
1 answer

How to do continuous deployment with Apache Mina FTP server without downtime?

I'm trying to set up an Apache Mina FTP server in my continuously-deployed Java application. I'd like to be able to update and deploy it without users experiencing FTP downtime. I suspect this involves some sort of proxy (ProxyConnector?) to handle…
Mike Cialowicz
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Is there any way to make in Gitlab CI/CD a stage with two stages inside?

I have a .gitlab-ci.yml file with two stages, and i would like to have that stages inside of a general stage called release. In other words i would like to have stage 1 and 2 inside of release. My .gitlab-ci.yml file is this: image:…
1 answer

Rollback to last working prod deployment if post deployment health checks fail

Is there a way to configure jenkins, or any other CI/CD tools, to automatically rollback to the last working deployment, if there are any issues post deployment? E.g, say I expect a minimum number of page views every hour. If, after a deployment,…
1 answer

Run pipeline stages when only the predecessor stage is completed - gitlabci

I ran into this situation: I have 3 stages in a gitlab-ci pipeline: The first stage is intended to trigger and run automatically on change of master branch. The second stage will run only after manual approval, using when: manual. Now, I want the…
1 answer

Kubernetes rolling deploy: terminate a pod only when there are no containers running

I am trying to deploy updates to pods. However I want the current pods to terminate only when all the containers inside the pod have terminated and their process is complete. The new pods can keep waiting to start untill all container in the old…
1 answer

Q : Gitlab CI who to retry older pipeline

In first time I encountered a malfunction when retrying a older pipeline with 4 stages and 1 jobs each, when pipeline is retried only step 4 and step 1 as run my .gitlab-ci.yml stages: - build - deploy - clean before_script: …
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How can i solve a Jenkins error with docker-compose

Im trying to run jenkins with docker-compose version: '3.5' services: jenkins: build: context: . dockerfile: ./jenkins.Dockerfile volumes: - $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home - $PWD:/app ports: - 8080:8080 …
1 answer

How to implement Reference Data in State Based Continuous Database Deployments

How should Reference Data be implemented in State Based Continuous Database Deployment solutions? The typical State Based solution I have come across is to use a series of post deploy SQL scripts that truncate reference data Tables and then proceed…
1 answer

What are the standards of Azure Sql development with Azure DevOps?

What are the industrial standards for developing a CI/CD pipelines for Azure SQL database? I have an existing Azure SQL database (DEV instance, includes Schemas, Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures, etc. ) the code for these are hardcoded (meaning,…