Questions tagged [continuous-deployment]

A software engineering approach in which teams keep producing software in short cycles and ensure that the software can be released to production at any time.

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a continuous automation process where deployment of software to production systems is fully automated. This ensures that fixes and new features can be brought to production quickly.

This usually includes having a good set of automated tests to automatically verify the fitness of the software for production use.

See the article Continuous Delivery on Wikipedia for more information.

2362 questions
2 answers

Azure devops - Universal download SSL error

I have a zip file uploaded to azure artifacts using the azure universal upload task. I have two windows azure on-prem agents. I have full access in both. When I am using one of the agent as my release agent to download the artifact using universal…
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is there anyway to run database changes script while jenkins build and deploy application?

we have java web application, we have development , staging , trunk branches and merge every story manually and jenkins build application changes and deploy it on server. now we have 2 problems: 1- is there anyway to merge branches automatically not…
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GitLab Auto Devops (or similar)

I just came across Auto DevOps and it looks really promising. Great work GitLab team! We are starting a new project that will follow the Serverless First approach. It will run on AWS and the main technologies we are using are: Route…
1 answer

CodeDeploy after CodeBuild

When I try to do CodeDeploy after CodeCommit, all files are sent to the server as normal. But when I use CodeBuild between them, only CodeDeploy gives an error. The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment,…
0 answers

Processing DSL script Pipeline.groovy in Jenkins

I am getting below errors while executing Jenkins job that is made for pipeline creation using groovy script. I am getting no clue how to fix it. **Processing DSL script Pipeline.groovy ERROR: (Pipeline.groovy, line 82) No signature of method:…
1 answer

How to setup Azure Function Continuous Deployment using Enterprise Github?

Can someone confirm/deny that Azure Function Continuous Deployment does not support Enterprise Github? When I select Github from the Deployment Center according to these docs, the authorization does not allow me to configure an Enterprise Github…
1 answer

Multi-stage, multi-artefact deployment triggers in Azure Devops

I have a release pipeline with 7 stages for 7 environments, each stage is exactly the same but it is mapped to deploy a different version of the same artefact which was built with environment variables. Is there a way to trigger a release when a…
1 answer

Run particular jobs while creating pull request in githubactions

I have implemented ci/cd using GitHub actions. In ci/cd I have three jobs are there when I want to release a tag I want to build these three jobs and when I raise a pull request to a particular branch only two jobs should be executed for health…
0 answers

GitLab CI does not working : custom executor is missing RunExec

We have running gitlab instance and now trying to integrate Gitlab CI. To do it we followed official guide. And installed gitlab-runner successfully. Running with gitlab-runner 13.1.0 (6214287e) on testcicd xxxxxx Preparing the "custom" executor …
2 answers

Dockerfile FROM AS throws Invalid Reference Format

I'm trying to use a multistep Dockerfile that uses FROM AS, but when I run the Dockerfile in a Jenkins job I get an error FROM node:8.12.0-alpine AS firstStep Error parsing reference: "node:8.12.0-alpine AS firstStep" is not a valid repository/tag:…
1 answer

Is there a way to get the steps that visual studio uses in an azure function app deployment?

I've been having issues deploying a .NET 4.7.2 Azure Function App using devops CI/CD pipelines. Since it delayed operations, I just cheated and deployed from Visual Studio by right-clicking on the .proj file and deployed from the "publish"…
Chris Phillips
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Can we remove files and directories from .cpanel.yml file

Can we remove files and directories from .cpanel.yml file by running those commands. I have repositories/cpanelgithubdemo/ folder where I have .cpanel.yml file And then I have a folder at root. In this folder there can be…
0 answers

Suggestions required with respect to Maintainability of SQL scripts

I have a legacy application which is build on ASP.NET WebForms and SQL(ADO.NET). We deploy this application in test -> UAT -> Live environment (server). We also have source control in place to manage the code except the Database scripts like update…
1 answer

Is templating Terraform files a good idea?

tl;dr: If you manage hundreds of terraform files, is it worth writing a high level engine in a fully fledged programming language to manages those files ? I spend a lot of time, editing, copying, and changing terraform files for infrastructure…
0 answers

Gitlab unable to deploy Ingress on Kind Cluster

I created a kubernettes cluster through Kind with the config below. apiVersion: kind: Cluster networking: apiServerAddress: "" # add to the apiServer certSANs the name of the docker (dind) service in order to…
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