Questions tagged [aws-codepipeline]

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application updates. CodePipeline builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define.

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application updates. CodePipeline builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define. This enables you to rapidly and reliably deliver features and updates. You can easily build out an end-to-end solution by using pre-built plugins for popular third-party services like GitHub or integrating your own custom plugins into any stage of your release process.

998 questions
10 answers

AWS Pass in variable into buildspec.yml from CodePipeline

I have an AWS CodePipeline that invokes CodeBuild in the Build Stage. The question is how do I pass in an environment variable from CodePipeline that can be read in the CodeBuild's buildspec.yml? I know I can set environment variables in CodeBuild,…
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6 answers

Code build execution continues after build fails instead of stopping

I'm building a CI/CD pipeline using git, codebuild and elastic beanstalk. During codebuild execution when build fails due to syntax error of a test case, I see codebuild progress to next stage and ultimatly go on to produce the artifacts. My…
4 answers

AWS CodePipeline not able to access Organization's repositories

I am trying to setup Continuous deployments pipelines in AWS Codepipeline. While creating a pipeline I provide "Source provider" as GitHub and then connect to GitHub. I am able to see my public repositories in "Repository" drop-down in create…
7 answers

Unable to delete cfn stack, role is invalid or cannot be assumed

I'm new to aws cloudformation; I'm wondering if anybody knows of a way to force delete a stack when it just won't delete. It fails with this error: Failed to delete stack: Role arn:aws:iam::role/CloudFormationRole-NestedCFN-CodePipeline is invalid…
8 answers

I'm trying to integrate Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline? What is the best approach?

I want to integrate my code from Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline. I unable to find proper examples on the same. My source code is in .Net. Can someone please guide me. Thanks.
3 answers

Codepipeline: Insufficient permissions Unable to access the artifact with Amazon S3 object key

Hello I created a codepipeline project with the following configuration: Source Code in S3 pulled from Bitbucket. Build with CodeBuild, generating an docker image and storing it into a Amazon ECS repository. Deployment provider Amazon ECS. All the…
6 answers

AWS CodeBuild + CodePipeline: "No matching artifact paths found"

I am attempting to get CodePipeline to fetch my code from GitHub and build it with CodeBuild. The first (Source) step works fine. But the second (Build) step fails during the "UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS" part. Here are the relevant log statements: [Container]…
John D.
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2 answers

How do I update a CloudFormation stack with state UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE?

Is it impossible to update a CloudFormation stack once it goes into the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state? I am using CodePipeline to deploy things. I find that once a stack goes into some invalid state, many times, I have to delete the stack manually…
Jiew Meng
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2 answers

How to make a list item conditional in Cloud Formation template?

I have the following cloud formation template that creates a code pipeline. The pipeline has three stages: Stages: - Name: "Source" Actions: - Name: "Source" ActionTypeId: Category: "Source" …
Tim W.
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4 answers

Use CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND for nested stacks on CloudFormation

I am trying to use nested stack and when my ChangeSet is being executed, I got this error: Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND] I went and create a pipeline with cloudformation. This can be use to create a pipeline: Configuration: …
Tan Duong
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2 answers

CodePipeline: ECR source + ECS deploy configuration

Basically, I need to configure CI/CD with bitbucket source code to ECS containers. I want to use CodePipline to deploy new ECR image to ECS. Currently, there is no option in AWS CodePipline to specify bitbucket as the source. However, I've managed…
5 answers

AWS Cloudformation Role is not authorized to perform AssumeRole on Role

I am trying to execute a cloudformation stack which contains the following resources: Codebuild project Codepipeline pipeline Roles needed While trying to execute the stack, it fails with the following error:…
3 answers

Export existing CodePipeline/CodeBuild projects to Cloudformation

Is there a way to export existing CodePipeline/CodeBuild projects to Cloudformation? I'm in the process of converting our existing CI/CD infrastructure into code so it would be easy to replicate them on other AWS regions. Currently, we've done all…
2 answers

When do I need to have CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

I was editing my CloudFormation templates and suddenly AWS tells me I need CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM. I am curious as to which change triggers this? What is a named IAM resource? Before I already "name" my resources like RoleName: !Sub…
2 answers

AWS codeBuild/codePipeline with serverless framework

I am trying to automate Deployment Pipeline for my application. Here is the automation architecture, I came up with: As you can see, I am using codePipeline and codeBuild to automate my deployment. My backend is based on Serverless Framework, which…
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