Questions tagged [azure-devops-server-2019]

Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server or TFS) is the latest iteration of Microsoft's DevOps and ALM product suite which contains source control (Azure Repos), CI/CD (Azure Pipelines), agile work and portfolio management (Azure Boards) etc. The current version of Azure DevOps Server is 2020. Use this tag for questions on the 2019 on-prem version, as opposed to Azure DevOps Service, which is the cloud version.

295 questions
2 answers

Automatically promote a nuget packge using a relese definition

In onprem Azure DevOps (Version 17.143.28621.4) is there a way to automatically promote a nuget package from one view to another using a task in a release definition? When we trigger a release for a build, the artefacts (i.e. nuget packages) go…
2 answers

Azure Artifacts Private npm Feed Authentication Failed

A few months ago I created a private npm feed in Azure Artifacts. Authentication with this feed worked fine. Recently others have started using this feed and authentication is not working for them using the tokens they have generated from Azure…
1 answer

Using VS2019 with TFS2018 vnext build system

Does anybody know if it is possible to use VS2019 with TFS2018 vnext build system. You cannot select VS2019 in the build definition, but you can select "Latest" as version for Visual Studio. Unfortunately, this does not select VS2019. I have tested…
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Release Agent Configuration necessary for Web App Add task

To create a directory under and add a web app to IIS, I put this script in Azure DevOps Server Deployment Group job Powershell task: New-Item -Path "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" -Name "MyNewApp" -ItemType "directory" ` C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe…
3 answers

Using inherited process model for existing collection on Azure DevOps Server 2019

With Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC it is possible to enable inherited process model on new collections (see release notes). Is there any way to use the inherited process model also for existing collections, where no customization on the process was…
1 answer

How To Choose Preferred Visual Studio Version When Cloning From Azure DevOps

My colleagues and I have several versions of Visual Studio installed which — for business reasons — we may need to keep for some time. For some teammates an inconvenient version of Visual Studio will open when cloning a git repository from Azure…
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Can I upload existing NuGet packages to an Azure DevOps artifacts feed?

I'm currently migrating from TFS 2012 to Azure DevOps 2019 (both on-premise). With the old server, I would manually create NuGet packages from some of our builds, and host these .nupkg files on a file share (configured as a package source in Visual…
3 answers

Azure DevOps Server pipeline build fails when using self-signed SSL certificate with "unable to get local issuer certificate" during NuGet restore

After upgrading to Azure DevOps Server 2019, automated pipeline builds are failing at the NuGet restore step showing: Error: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate Packages failed to restore Microsoft's documentation states that the build…
1 answer

How to uninstall or remove configuration of a deployment pool or deployment agent

I am using Azure DevOps Server (TFS), and I register deployment pool agents in my test and production servers, now iIneed to uninstall or remove the configuration on my server and in my UI how can I do that there are a script to run or just delete…
2 answers

How to use Azure DevOps server (TFS) Predefined Variable in My Ansible Playbook?

I want to use Azure DevOps Predefine Variable "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)" in My playbook: Here is my playbook: --- - hosts: KBR_MTL361 tasks: - name: copy file win_copy: src: D:\Web.config dest: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) I am…
3 answers

Unable to build VB6 application in DevOps Server

My requirement is to be able to Build VB6 application through Microsoft Azure DevOps Server 2019. For this, I have installed VB6 Enterprise IDE on Microsoft Server 2019, which is working perfectly. For building, I opted to use a Powershell script,…
3 answers

How to connect AWS EKS cluster from Azure Devops pipeline - No user credentials found for cluster in KubeConfig content

I have to setup CI in Microsoft Azure Devops to deploy and manage AWS EKS cluster resources. As a first step, found few kubernetes tasks to make a connection to kubernetes cluster (in my case, it is AWS EKS) but in the task "kubectlapply" task in…
1 answer

Azure Devops - Markdown Support In User Story Description / Acceptance Criteria Fields?

My company is looking to streamline User Story documentation in DevOps's Agile workflow. Is there a way to use markdown formatting in Description / Acceptance Criteria fields in DevOps? It is far more flexible and powerful than the WYSIWYG editor…
2 answers

Azure DevOps Server: How to prevent 'Access to path is denied' when initalizing a job?

I am using Azure DevOps Server 2019 (ADOS for short, installed on-premises) to run end to end tests based on Selenium in C#. Every now and then a build ends badly without properly stopping the chromedriver.exe process used by my Selenium tests. As a…
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NuGet package restore in Azure DevOps build pipeline

This is a follow-up to a question I had yesterday: NuGet package restore in builds and Visual Studio I have since removed the ".nuget" solution folder from my VS2013 solution, but the "Visual Studio build" task in my build pipeline now fails, with…
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