Questions tagged [azure-pipelines-release-pipeline]

Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server Release Management.

1541 questions
5 answers

Azure DevOps, YAML release pipelines?

I am following this process to create a YAML build pipeline for a .NET Core Web API project: When it comes to releasing it, I note that the (recently renamed) Azure…
3 answers

How do I uninstall "Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1"?

I'm having trouble uninstalling Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1. I'm in Windows 7, in the Programs and Features window. When I click uninstall, it brings up a dialog box, with the options repair, uninstall, and cancel. …
2 answers

What is the difference between Pipeline and Release Pipeline in azure devops?

An yaml file is generated while you choose this option shown below: In this yaml file, you can define an entire deployment cycle starting from restore -> build -> run tests -> publish and -> deploy to azure app service web app. then, why there is…
7 answers

Azure DevOps pipeline release Error: No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a\**\*.zip

I have an ASP.NET Core project in Azure DevOps repository and it gets built OK using the DevOps build pipeline. However, the release over that builds always fails with this error: Error: No package found with specified pattern:…
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Azure DevOps Pipelines "Waiting for console output from an agent..."

I require something from the output of a running release task in order for it to complete (an authenticate code). But the console is now not updating. All I get is "Waiting for console output from an agent..." This happens on both our self-hosted…
2 answers

Azure devops deployment failure : TypeError: Cannot read property 'scmUri' of undefined

I have been facing this issue particularly today while deploying my application to the azure environment using Azure Devops. One of the deployment task fails with the following eror message: ##[debug]Deployment Failed with Error: TypeError: Cannot…
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How to trigger VSTS build and release when pushing tags?

I have rather simple scenarion, one master branch then when I want to do a production release I want to tag a commit with eg. vX.X.X. The CI/CD pipeline looks like this Build -> Staging Environment -> Production Environment Every commit to master…
2 answers

dotnet build vs publish on Azure DevOps

I have a .NET Core 2.0 console app. I can successfully build or publish this app and run it locally. I can also successfully build and publish this app in Azure DevOps. However, if I build the app in Azure DevOps, I cannot run the result. In Azure…
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Azure App Service deploy Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites'

In the last 6 months I have been releasing with a pipeline in Azure DevOps, but today I receive the following error: 2019-09-25T14:24:38.4296875Z ##[section]Starting: Azure App Service Deploy: AS-ServiciosNegocio-API-UAT 2019-09-25T14:24:38.4419797Z…
3 answers

How to publish artifacts separately for each project in solution from VSTS CI pipeline?

In my solution, I have two projects (a MVC and a Windows Service). I want to create CI/CD pipeline to deploy web application and windows service on different VMs. But to achieve this my CI pipeline should be able to publish artifacts…
2 answers

VSTS JSON variable substitution with secrets from Azure Key Vault

I'm doing an Azure App Service Deploy (ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web Api) in Visual Studio Team Services and want to replace some values in the appsettings.json so I read…
1 answer

VSTS IIS Web App Deploy fails with return 2148734720

I configured releases same way for a couple of our servers but I have issue with one of them (others work perfectly): [error]Failed to deploy web package to IIS website. [error]Error:…
1 answer

"The SSL certificate contains a common name (CN) that does not match the hostname." in VSTS Deployment

I am using VSTS to deploy to an Azure VM. In my release definition, I receive the following error when trying to copy files over: The SSL certificate contains a common name (CN) that does not match the hostname. For more information, see the …
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2 answers

Azure DevOps unable to deploy to Azure Web App

Am currently trying to deploy an app from a Release Pipeline under Azure DevOps owned by Company A to an Azure App hosted on Azure owned by Company B. Keep on getting this error when attempting to release stop the Azure App: Error: Failed to get…
6 answers

How do you import a release definition in Azure Devops (VSTS)?

I'm trying to copy a release definition from one Azure Devops (VSTS) project to another. In the source project I'm able to export the release definition as a json file. But I'm not able to find a way to import this into the target project. I only…
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