Questions tagged [code-push]

questions regarding Microsoft's CodePush service for dynamic code updates to mobile apps. CodePush is part of the Microsoft App Center

201 questions
4 answers

Issues with resources generated by react in Android Studio 3

I recently upgraded to Android Studio 3 gradle plugin: 3.0.0-beta2 gradle: 4.1 In our project we use: "react-native": "0.46.4" with the codepush plugin. Building: gradlew assembleStagingDebug works just fine, but as soon as I try to build…
Mike T
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How do i show the current CodePush Version label in my React Native Android app?

Looking for something like: VERSION={CodePush.VersionLabel} Where CodePush.VersionLabel is something like "v6" that is displayed in code-push deployment ls I'd like to show this at the bottom my login screen.
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Codepush React Native Android staging- Task installReleaseStagingDebug not found in root project

I'm trying to configure my RN android project according to this section of the react-native-code-push docs My build.gradle file has this configuration: buildTypes { debug { } releaseStaging { buildConfigField…
Uri Klar
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Dynamically compiling and running a react-native app inside another

I need to create a mobile app that contains other apps and can run them. It is basically like an "app center" which have a list of apps (that we publish on our server) and the user can open one of them which lead to the app being opened. Think about…
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How to deploy CodePush bundle for multiple versions?

I have read about the targetBinary flag and I have also read this from a member of the Microsoft team working on CodePush. I have version 5.0.1 and 5.1.0. The second version has native differences when comparing to 5.0.1 If a bug comes in for…
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1 answer

Difference between Firebase Remote config and Microsoft Codepush

I am going to develop a react-native app.I want to make some good decisions of choosing the technology stack before I begin my work. Features I am sure about: 1) For users authentication,datastore,offline syncing, Firebase does an excellent job and…
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How does App Store and Play Store handle malicious code-push?

Native programming platforms like React Native or Cordova gives the ability to developers to write their applications in JavaScript and publish it for both iOS and Android. Although code-push is another service that allows the developer to update…
1 answer

CodePush: How to deploy to multiple build versions of the same deployment config?

I understand the deployment model for the ideal case, that all you users alway update their app to the latest app store version. But in reality they don't. How do I deal with different build versions of an react-native iOS app using CodePush?…
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1 answer

How to update "Production" deployment using Code Push CLI?

I've been showing my team my progress with the Staging key. When I do code-push deployment ls APP_NAME_HERE -k, it'll give me a Staging and Production table with Production having the message No updates released. I have been using code-push…
Naoto Ida
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1 answer

How to deploy arbitrary resources for React Native with CodePush

I'm using CodePush to deploy the js bundle and a couple of resources to my react-native iOS app. Instead of using the react-native bundler to collect all the static images from my project I have a build step that just copies a folder called "static"…
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0 answers

React Native app crashes on the first launch only

When loading my app for the first time, it crashes with the following error: facebook::react::Recoverable: Could not open file/data/user/0/****/files/ReactNativeDevBundle.js: No such file or directory Upon reading similar issues, it points to a…
1 answer

Does apple allow OTA updates of application

I came across code push framework which allows developers to push OTA updates of mobile application which is built in cordova and react-native without rolling updates on play/apple store for minor fixes. I believe code push have their SDK for the…
N Sharma
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3 answers

Can developers build a self code push server using MS Code Push service?

These days I'm using MS Code Push service,it saves time to update my cordova applications. I'm wonder if it's possible to build our own code push server other than using github or MS account?
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iOS react native app does not update from CodePush server

I've followed the instructions to set up CodePush properly. First, I push to AppCenter: $ appcenter codepush release-react -a myUser/appName -d Production Detecting ios app version: Using the target binary version value "1.0" from…
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Is there a difference between the staging and production env in code push?

I accidentally push the binary with staging key. Is there any real difference between the two stages(in terms of cli / library setting) aside from the obvious naming differences ? Will I have problem trying to push updates using the staging env?
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