Questions tagged [continuous-deployment]

A software engineering approach in which teams keep producing software in short cycles and ensure that the software can be released to production at any time.

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a continuous automation process where deployment of software to production systems is fully automated. This ensures that fixes and new features can be brought to production quickly.

This usually includes having a good set of automated tests to automatically verify the fitness of the software for production use.

See the article Continuous Delivery on Wikipedia for more information.

2362 questions
1 answer

Kubernetes Jenkins Plugin Question about pipeline syntax

I have questions about an example from Kubernetes Plugin documentation: podTemplate(containers: [ containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'), containerTemplate(name: 'golang', image:…
0 answers

Local CI/CD Pipeline with Local Docker Containers

Is it possible to have a local CI/CD pipeline that gets triggered by either: source code file changes, local git commits, or manually by developer; and also deploys to locally running Docker containers? What CI/CD tools are currently supporting this…
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How to pass Cognito UserPoolID, client secret to AWS Lambda during Cloudformation script execution?

I create Cloudformation script which creates AWS Cognito and deploys a set of AWS Lambda. Cloudformation yaml looks like below: UserPool: Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPool" Properties: UserPoolName: !Sub ${EnvPrefix}-smartshoesuserpool …
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Dokku and bitbucket ci/cd

Is there simple receipt how to integrate bitbucket pipeline with dokku? I want to continuously deploy to production server after commit in master
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Github service connection not updating with Azure Devops

I have an Azure DevOps Pipeline (YAML), where the projects and templates are stored in separate repositories, both in github. I have a service connection setup to github so that my pipeline can access the repositories that the project references.…
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With GitLab Pages and CI/CD, how do you build different branches to different (sub-)directories?

I am writing a number of R BookDown books. These are suitable as living books, that can be updated more or less continuously. However, we now want to use one in teaching. Therefore, we want to build an environment where we have a production version…
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Blue green deployment with single queue

I'm currently dealing with a problem caused by the blue green deployment pattern. We have a single SQS queue, which messages can be consumed for both from blue and green servers. I like to make the green (new version) to consume messages originated…
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How to set CI/CD with kubernetes on premise on gitlab?

I tried to set CI/CD with Kubernetes on AWS EC2 server using GitLab as following their guideline on the GitLab page, but I faced an error message that says the "API URL is blocked." and I saw the solution of that has to allow the options on the…
0 answers

Simple continuous deployment script

I am trying to write a simple continuous deployment script that's hooked with our local Git server and deploys our code changes on every push, depending on the branch. The server is using cPanel (in case it matters) and we're using Gitolite for…
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CI/CD Analytics for custom values in GitHub Actions

As part of our CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions we get a bunch of numbers, some from build, some from tests, that we would like to keep track of in between builds. Examples of such values are: build time binary size run time of a test values…
0 answers

How to deploy multiple files from a PR using bitbucket pipelines?

I am not new to git but i have just recently started working on deployments using bitbucket pieplines. I have tried to deploy a single file to my server by hardcoding the cmd in bitbucket.yml script. But i am not sure how to read a specific PR which…
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CD pipeline in team city

I have a ci pipeline which create a tar/war on sever A at some temp location which I manually deploy on server B Jboss location. How can i make a cd pipeline which pick the war from A and deploy to server B jboss location ?Any suggesion /reference…
1 answer

How to send a .deb file from jenkins Pipeline to Spinnaker Pipeline?

I have a jenkins Pipeline that results with a build artifact which is a deb file. I was planning to use that deb file to fill in the Package option in the Bake Configuration Phase. It doesn't work and results in How should I go about doing…
2 answers

Is it Possible to Run Jenkinsfile from Jenkinsfile

Currently we are developing centralized control system for our CI/CD projects. There are many projects with many branches so we are using multibranch pipeline ( This forces us to use Jenkinsfile from project branches so we can't provide custom…
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How to set automatic updates for react app on Raspberry Pi?

I am making an end-user raspberry pi product that will be running a react app. How can I set up automatic updates for that? I will be using an RPI4 with ubuntu 20.04 server edition.