Questions tagged [codesmith]

CodeSmith Generator is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language.

CodeSmith Generator is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.). CodeSmith Generator includes many useful templates as well as entire sets of templates for generating proven architectures. You can easily modify any templates or write your own to generate your code exactly the way you want it.

CodeSmith Generator's syntax is almost identical to ASP.NET. So if you are familiar with ASP.NET then you should be able to quickly learn the template syntax. You can use the C#, VB.NET or JScript.NET languages in your templates and your templates can output any ASCII-based (text based) language.

CodeSmith Generator can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time and enables software developers to efficiently:

  1. Reduce repetitive coding.
  2. Generate your code in less time with fewer bugs.
  3. Produce consistent code that adheres to your standards.
  4. Create your own custom templates for any language.
84 questions
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Visual Studio T4 vs CodeSmith

I've been using CodeSmith for the past 2 years and love what it does for me. However, I also know about T4 which is built in to Visual Studio and can do some pretty cool stuff too. Based on conversations with friends T4 in VS2010 T4 is going to be…
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5 answers

Free Codesmith alternatives?

Are there any free/open source alternatives to Codesmith that would be comparable in features and generate .NET code?
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How to generate code based on another class?

To create our test data, we use the following variation of the Builder pattern (simplified example!): Sample class: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } } The builder: public class…
3 answers

CodeSmith v.s. T4: .netTiers level suite

Has someone ported the netTiers template set to Visual Studio's T4 templates? Or is there a system of similar scope? Does anyone use T4 in a work environment? What (if any) major differences are there between Codesmith and T4?
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3 answers

Using NHibernate with Codesmith to generate ORM

Just started learning NHiberate. It seems rather tedious to write proper hbm.xml config files for each database table. The question is can NHibernate read into tables and automatically retrieve relationships and needed config file as well as…
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8 answers

Is Codesmith a viable ORM tool (or should I stick with a true ORM)

I'm shopping for an ORM tool. I'm agonizing over the purchase of either CodeSmith (which is currently available at a substantial discount) versus an ORM tool. LINQ to SQL is off my list; SubSonic 2.x is off the list (I don't want to invest in that…
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Codesmith resources

I use Codesmith to create our code generation templates and have had success in learning how to use the tool by looking at example templates and the built in documentation. However I was wondering if there are any other resources (books, articles,…
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1 answer

.netTiers + Codesmith VS Entity Framework .Net C#

I have question about pros and cons what should I mention when I compare netTiers (with codesmith) and Entity Framework This question was asked many times around netTiers (with codesmith) and all topics that I have found are very old, older then…
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3 answers

How to run Team City AssemblyInfo patcher after specific build step

The usual process when building a project is that the AssemblyInfo patcher is run once all files have been dragged down from source control. We have a problem with this when using CodeSmith. The problem is that we have two build steps. Step 1 - Run…
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1 answer

What code would you consider using a code generator like CodeSmith for?

I use CodeSmith for the PLINQO templates, to build my DAL from my DB objects; it works great! I believe that's the primary use of code generator apps, but I'm curious... what other code would you consider using a code generator for? Do you have any…
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3 answers

How to Do a Merge for XML files in Code Smith?

I am using CodeSmith to Generate The Files in my Project. It has functionalities to Merge the C#/VB & SQL files using Insert Region & Preserve Region Strategies. How Can I extend these to merge the XML files I am creating?. Thanks
1 answer

The files format which CodeSmith generated are UTF-8 with BOM, how to change it to UTF-8 without BOM?

I'm recently trialling CodeSmith Generator Professional 7.1.0, There is one thing keep troubling me, every time when I generating some files with it, the file format always is UTF-8 with BOM, I really need the file format is UTF-8 without BOM, But I…
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How to get dataset from Getpaged?

what is problem in this code ? service.BillViewService bvs = new service.BillViewService(); db.BillView bv = new db.BillView(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = bvs.GetPaged("InvNo=" + n, null, 0, 10000, out x).ToDataSet();
1 answer

SQL timeout expired in C# code

I'm working in a new C# project and need some help. The system has some jobs scheduled using Quartz api and one them is not working anymore. I try to execute the method manually and got this error "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior…
Leandro Brito
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SQL Server stored procedure not working through codesmith

I've got this script that is working properly and the output is correct when I execute the stored procedure. But its not working when I use it through codesmith, when I perform generate output the stored procedure will return an integer not a…
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