Questions tagged [codesmith]

CodeSmith Generator is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language.

CodeSmith Generator is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.). CodeSmith Generator includes many useful templates as well as entire sets of templates for generating proven architectures. You can easily modify any templates or write your own to generate your code exactly the way you want it.

CodeSmith Generator's syntax is almost identical to ASP.NET. So if you are familiar with ASP.NET then you should be able to quickly learn the template syntax. You can use the C#, VB.NET or JScript.NET languages in your templates and your templates can output any ASCII-based (text based) language.

CodeSmith Generator can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time and enables software developers to efficiently:

  1. Reduce repetitive coding.
  2. Generate your code in less time with fewer bugs.
  3. Produce consistent code that adheres to your standards.
  4. Create your own custom templates for any language.
84 questions
1 answer

Project uses CodeSmith to generate the database but I don't have Codesmith anymore

I am new to Codesmith gen so... I don't have CodeSmith anymore, but my project uses CodeSmith to generate all the database context. I want to add a table to the database. Is there anyway possible to have the code generated for that table also, even…
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Project that uses CodeSmith to generate the table classes

I just got the code source of a project from a friend. He used CodeSmith to generate the database and table classes but now i want to add one more table to the database. Obviously i dont have codesmith to regenerate the database so my question is if…
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PLINQO for NHibernate. Mappings and Entities.

I recently posted a question regarding NHibernate. This lead me to check Codesmith's framework PLINQO for NHibernate. At the same time, i was reading a tutorial on nhibernate at their official site (as i was looking at the generated project by…
Pepito Fernandez
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1 answer

Can anyone explain parameters in CodeSmith SchemaExplorer.ViewSchema Constructor?

From CodeSmith API help [C#] public ViewSchema( DatabaseSchema DatabaseSchema, string String, string String, DateTime DateTime, ExtendedProperty[] ExtendedProperty[] ); Parameters database name owner dateCreated extendedProperties I…
Ken Yao
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1 answer

CodeSmith 6: Generating Database TYpes

From a ColumnSchema object in CodeSmith 6, I need to be able to generate a SQL Server table definition. I'm having trouble generating the types; I need to be able to generate the following types: varchar(100) varchar(MAX) int bit etc... But I…
Brian Mains
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1 answer

Customizing Entity Framework 4.1 Code First T4 Templates without Intellisense

I am customizing EF CF T4 templates and the lack of Intellisense is a major pain. Is there a way around this without having to switch to another IDE such as CodeSmith? Would I HAVE to write my own VS extension or is there a less indulging way?
Raheel Khan
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3 answers

Is there any class similar to ProvidersHelper but not for web?

Is there any class similar to ProvidersHelper but not for web? I want to instantiate a collection of providers. Actually I'm using CodeSmith & Nettiers, and the db provider is Oracle. It generated a provider section to be added at app.config, and i…
1 answer

Code Smith error - Failed to compare two elements in the array

We use a combination of codesmith and net tiers to generate Data Access Layer code for our website. Suddenly today when trying to generate the code i get the following error. Generating project "C:\Source\Trunk\Project1V1.0\Project1.csp"…
2 answers

String Interpolation In Codesmith Generator

Is there a way to use some of the newer c# features like string interpolation, ie: var string = $"Hello {worldVar}"
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