Questions tagged [.nettiers]

.netTiers is a set of open source code generation templates that simplify the tasks of creating customized Application Tiers for your Microsoft.Net applications in just a few minutes.

The official product page can be found here and official community support should be logged here.

58 questions
1 answer

Using FluentMigrator with an existing database

I'm looking for a migrations framework that will work with an existing project that uses .NetTiers, an older ORM that requires CodeSmith to generate the data access code. We have some experience of roundhouse, and we have had success in using it. We…
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6 answers

Should I start using LINQ To SQL?

Currently I am using NetTiers to generate my data access layer and service layer. I have been using NetTiers for over 2 years and have found it to be very useful. At some point I need to look at LINQ so my questions are... Has anyone else gone from…
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What is use of "??"

Possible Duplicate: What is the “??” operator for? Please explain me what is use of "??" in below code and what is "??" used for. if ((this.OrderDate ?? DateTime.MinValue) > DateTime.Today) { e.Description = "The Order Date must not be…
Dr. Rajesh Rolen
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2 answers

ASP.NET ORM for High Scalable Websites

Which is the best option for High Scalable Websites or Enterprise Applications: LBLGen .NetTiers LinqToSQL NHybernate Repository Pattern (CodePlex) If any other available let me know.
Michael D. Irizarry
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2 answers

Whither NetTiers?

I used NetTiers in a number of projects a job or two back. I found it extremely useful for generating back-end interfaces in ASP.NET webforms. The business and data layers were also pretty sweet. I typically use NHibernate, but I think it may be…
Will Gant
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1 answer

.netTiers + Codesmith VS Entity Framework .Net C#

I have question about pros and cons what should I mention when I compare netTiers (with codesmith) and Entity Framework This question was asked many times around netTiers (with codesmith) and all topics that I have found are very old, older then…
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1 answer

Advice regarding modification to NetTiers

I'm assesing using NetTiers for my next project. The issue is: Every table in my schema has a field AccountId. With every request to the DAL I want it to be a requirement that the AccountId is passed and used as a filter in the query. It would be…
Ant Swift
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4 answers

Anybody using .netTiers?

I'm considering adopting .nettiers for a new project as it seems to provide a lot of functionality I could use. Is anybody using it in anger (I'm getting the feeling it hasn't got the following it once had) and if so, what are your perceptions of…
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1 answer

netTiers database schema backwards compatibility

I've found that the netTiers generated code relies on an exact database schema and is very unforgiving with variations. For example, adding a column to an existing table - if a column is added somewhere in the middle of the table you will see a cast…
Rob Bird
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2 answers

Inner joins with NetTiers

I am performing a review on different kind of ORM tooling and DAL generators today. One of them is NetTiers. I have a classic DB model with customer, order, orderdetail, etc.. I want to perform a complex inner join on those tables. This is the…
Patrick Peters
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3 answers

executing queries with datetime in WHERE clause

I use sql server 2008 R2 as a data store. Until now on the test machine I had the english version of the software and used to make queries formatting the datetime field as fromDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); now I have deployed the database on another…
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1 answer

Nettiers WPF MVVM

Can We use Nettiers in WPF? or does codesmith have any template for code generation for WPF and MVVM design pattern? i was using NetTiers And CodeSmith For Windows And APplications. Does it available on WPF applications? please help me
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2 answers

How do I get a scalar value from a stored proc using Nettiers

I have a really simple stored procedure that looks like this: CREATE PROCEDURE _Visitor_GetVisitorIDByVisitorGUID ( @VisitorGUID AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ) AS DECLARE @VisitorID AS bigint SELECT @VisitorID = VisitorID FROM dbo.Visitor WHERE…
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6 answers

How Do SQL Transactions Work?

I have not been working in SQL too long, but I thought I understood that by wrapping SQL statements inside a transaction, all the statements completed, or none of them did. Here is my problem. I have an order object that has a lineitem collection.…
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1 answer

How does netTiers pass data?

I have generated code using netTiers. Everything works fine, but I want to do some modifications. Eg: I have a column[dataType varchar] (in a table) to store imageURL. For the same netTiers generates a TextBox. I want to replace the TextBox with a…
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