Questions tagged [teamcity-7.0]

Major release of TeamCity adding additional features and enhancements to TeamCity 6.5

TeamCity 7.0: Control the power

TeamCity 7.0 is a major release of and adds additional features and enhancements to .

What's New in TeamCity 7.0

Enhancements include:

Build Agent Pools

Remember the days when you had to wait for a free build agent to have your changes built and tested? Forget them. Now you can organize build agents in pools and assign them to build your project only.

Incremental builds

Use the advantages of your projects' proper module decomposition to significantly reduce the build and unit testing time.

Build failure conditions

Previously, you had an option to mark a build failed if at least one test failed. We thought that was not flexible enough, so we added more powerful failure conditions.

Branch graphs on change log

The usability of modern distributed version control systems often becomes a matter of good tooling.

Extended build chains support and visualization

Build chains give you a unique ability to define a sequence of builds and run them consistently, on the same source files revisions.

Build parameters with custom UI

The ability to run custom builds has always been one of TeamCity's distinctive features. In TeamCity 7.0, it gets even better.

Performance monitor

When your project expands and the number of unit tests grows to several thousands, your builds can become really slow. It isn't always obvious how to make them faster or even where to start.

129 questions
8 answers

How to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?

Does anyone know to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?
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3 answers

Using git commands in a TeamCity Build Step

One of my TeamCity v7.0 build projects relies on using a diff between the current development branch and the master branch to determine what needs to be run. I've written a small script that uses something like: git diff origin/master..origin/QA…
Jake Stevenson
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5 answers

TeamCity Windows Tray Notifier stuck on "logged in"

When I run the Windows Tray Notifier on my Windows 8 virtual machine, it remains stuck on a "logged in" message if I hover over the icon of the program in the system tray, and I can't do anything else other than force the shutdown with the Task…
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5 answers

Trigger option to set specific build parameters?

I'm looking for a way to attach some specific build parameter to a scheduled trigger. The idea is that we are continuously building debug versions of our products. Our nightly build has to be a release build, though. The build configurations for…
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3 answers

Manipulate project version property to remove SNAPSHOT?

I've got a project at version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, and when we build it via TeamCity, we also get a build.vcs.number property, which is the Subversion revision that triggered the build. In our assemblies, we create a zip file called something like…
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1 answer

Publishing vs2012 solution from TeamCity

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and the publishing feature. I have created a publishing profile that deploys my application to a development server, and it works great when executed from vs2012 on my machine. Here is my problem; on the development…
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1 answer

TeamCity Build & Deploy: How do you pass dependent artifact paths to a script?

How do you pass the artifact paths to a script in TeamCity. The scenario is this Build Project Deploy Project (with an artifact dependency to #1) Step 2 consists of a a script which Stops a service (to unlock files) Copies the build artifacts to…
David Hayes
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2 answers

TeamCity build agent becomes disconnected after adding self-signed https certificate to teamcity

I added a self-signed certificate to my Teamcity BuildServer to introduce https support so that it can now be accessed at https://ServerUrl:8443 (More details about how here ) The result was that I was able access the server via https, but my…
Rune Vejen Petersen
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7 answers

TeamCity Build Agent won't upgrade

We are trying to setup a build agent and every time we start it the log shows the following messages: [2012-09-18 12:52:01,805] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Starting agent shutdown sequence, reason: Restart agent, failed to download…
Shane Courtrille
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2 answers

What is the difference between running under system account and user account?

I am new to TeamCity and currently installing it. It was asking whether I want to be running the server under a "user account" or "the SYSTEM account" / running the agent under a "user account" or "the SYSTEM account". I assumed that since my…
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4 answers

How do I pass this common property to MSBuild using TeamCity?

I am using the TeamCity Visual Studio runner. I want to add a setting that is not accessible from Visual Studio. /Property:FileAlignment=4096 I typed that directly into the build step "Command line parameters." The build log shows the error:…
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2 answers

TeamCity agent error "failed to perform checkout on agent"

I am running my TeamCity 7 server and agent on MacOS. My repo is on github. I use ssh and I know that the authentication is correctly configured, because the test is successful. The build works fine when I use VCS Checkout Mode "Automatically on…
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1 answer

How to Check the Team City version

How can i check the Team City version details? and which version support for project moving (move project and build configurations from one server to another server)? Thanks,
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Teamcity variable replacement in nuspec file

This is my nuspec file to get the package generated from teamcity. The version is actualy set by the teamcity variable. Company.Name $version$
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TeamCity 7.0.1 command line build step and ERRORLEVEL

I have a build step in my build configuration thats runner type "Command Line", running a custom script. The script is executing Robocopy: robocopy "\Code" "\\target\d$\Web\Target Sites" /E /NP /LOG:robocopy.log if…
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