I'm recently trialling CodeSmith Generator Professional 7.1.0, There is one thing keep troubling me, every time when I generating some files with it, the file format always is UTF-8 with BOM, I really need the file format is UTF-8 without BOM, But I can not find any settings or configurations to do this, I'm searching on Google for days and got nothing useful. Any thoughts will be appreciated!

Here is template code below:

<% @CodeTemplate Language = "C#"
TargetLanguage = "C#"
ResponseEncoding = "UTF-8"
Description = "Generates a very simple business object." %>
  <% @Property Name = "SourceDatabase"
Type = "SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema"
DeepLoad = "True"
Optional = "False"
Category = "01. Getting Started - Required"
Description = "Database that the tables views, and stored procedures should be based on. IMPORTANT!!! If SourceTables and SourceViews are left blank, the Entire Database will then be generated." %>
  <% @Property Name = "SourceTable"
Type = "SchemaExplorer.TableSchema"
Category = "Context"
Description = "Table that the object is based on." %>
  <% @Assembly Name = "SchemaExplorer" %>
  <% @Assembly Name = "System.Data" %>
  <% @Import Namespace = "SchemaExplorer" %>
  <% @Import Namespace = "System.Data" %>
  <% @Assembly Name = "MySql.Data" %>
  <% @Import NameSpace = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" %>
  <? php

//Language File for <%= SourceTable.Name.ToLower() %> [EN]
define('LANG_<% = SourceTable.Name.ToUpper() %>', '<% = GetTablebPerfix(SourceTable.Name) %> List'); <%
for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.NonForeignKeyColumns.Count; i++) { %>
  define('LANG_<% = SourceTable.NonForeignKeyColumns[i].Name.ToUpper() %>', '<% = GetColumnComment(SourceTable.Columns[i].Name) %>'); <%
} %>

< script runat = "template" >
  public string GetColumnComment(string _columnname) {
    DataSet _auditTables = new DataSet();
    string ConnectionString = "server=localhost; user id = root; password = xxxxx; database =" + SourceDatabase + "";
    MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(conn.CreateCommand());
    adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select * from information_schema.columns where (table_schema='" + SourceDatabase + "') and (table_name='" + SourceTable + "') and (column_name='" + _columnname + "')";
    string en_comment = "";
    if (_auditTables.Tables.Count > 0) {
      DataTable dt = _auditTables.Tables[0];
      if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) {
        string comments = dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns.Count - 1].ToString();
        if (comments.IndexOf('/') == -1) {
          en_comment = comments;
        } else {
          en_comment = comments.Split('/')[1];

    return en_comment;


public string GetTablebPerfix(string _tablename) {
  string _tbnamewhtprefix = "";
  if (_tablename.IndexOf('_') == -1) {
    _tbnamewhtprefix = _tablename;
  } else {
    _tbnamewhtprefix = _tablename.Split('_')[1];

  return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(_tbnamewhtprefix);
} < /script>
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  • BTW, I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Chinese version. – Jack Jan 18 '16 at 18:48
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    Possible duplicate of [How to set standard encoding in Visual Studio](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/696627/how-to-set-standard-encoding-in-visual-studio) – Paul Sweatte Mar 19 '16 at 10:25
  • @Paul Sweatte: What's the relationship between CodeSmith Generator and Visual Studio? What makes that question a duplicate? – Adrian McCarthy Mar 19 '16 at 15:09
  • @AdrianMcCarthy CodeSmith Generator is [integrated with Visual Studio](http://blog.codesmithtools.com/category/visual-studio/). The question is `I am searching for a way to setup Visual Studio so it always saves my files in UTF-8.` vs `I really need the file format is UTF-8 without BOM`. – Paul Sweatte Mar 19 '16 at 18:48
  • can you post the template code? are you adding the BOM yourself in the code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2223882/whats-different-between-utf-8-and-utf-8-without-bom – greg Apr 17 '16 at 17:00
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    The nominated duplicate doesn't address the problem that the UTF-8 file has a BOM. – tripleee Apr 19 '16 at 04:19

1 Answers1


There are two properties you can set to control this property on the Code Template directive Encoding and ResponseEncoding attributes will control how the template is rendered and saved.


Blake Niemyjski
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  • Oh,that's so long, and can not have a chance to test it out, but seems is the right way. THANKS – Jack Dec 06 '16 at 05:38