Questions tagged [codesmith]

CodeSmith Generator is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language.

CodeSmith Generator is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.). CodeSmith Generator includes many useful templates as well as entire sets of templates for generating proven architectures. You can easily modify any templates or write your own to generate your code exactly the way you want it.

CodeSmith Generator's syntax is almost identical to ASP.NET. So if you are familiar with ASP.NET then you should be able to quickly learn the template syntax. You can use the C#, VB.NET or JScript.NET languages in your templates and your templates can output any ASCII-based (text based) language.

CodeSmith Generator can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time and enables software developers to efficiently:

  1. Reduce repetitive coding.
  2. Generate your code in less time with fewer bugs.
  3. Produce consistent code that adheres to your standards.
  4. Create your own custom templates for any language.
84 questions
1 answer

Anyone have a UITypeEditor that picks System.Type instances?

I am busy writing a CodeSmith template that has one of its properties as type System.Type. I want to be able to select the type using a UI that picks the assembly, loads the assembly and then displays the types that are available in that assembly. I…
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5 answers

ORM Tool - Crossroads?

Hi I seem to be at an ORM Tool crossroad and would like some advice of people who have faced a similar challenge. In the past I have been using CodeSmith with NetTiers Templates to generate my DAL all has been quite good, however I have decided to…
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2 answers

Codesmith 6.x unable to resolve assembly

I am fairly new using codesmith. I've done couple of editings here and there but right now I have to make fairly big changes to our template My question is, I am trying to add an assembly to our new template, specifically Oracle.DataAccess.Client.…
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1 answer

How to call SQL Function directly from CodeSmith generated service dlls

In a project we are using CodeSmith to generate database layer, Codesmith seperate creates service classes for each SQL View and SQL Table, using these service classes we can call StoredProcedures that has prefix "ViewOrTableName". My problem is…
Imran Rizvi
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1 answer

Codesmith generator 8.0, VS 2019 right click context menu does not have manage output option for .csp files

We upgraded to CodeSmith 8.0 from 5.2. We are using Visual Studio 2019. I was able to upgrade the codesmith .cst templates. The right click menu on Visual studio 2019 solution explorer doesn't show Manage outputs, generate output or any of codesmith…
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1 answer

Which Framework Should I Generate For easy JSON compliance using CodeSmith

Having just managed to score a copy of CodeSmith 5.2 at the same time that I'm starting on a web development project in ASP.NET I thought I would combine the two. The site will need to make use of JSON based elements (either jQuery or ExtJS, haven't…
Roger Willcocks
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1 answer

CodeSmith: How to reference an assembly

using code smith, i'm trying to reference an assembly that i'm generating as output. the idea is to create the assembly in a build step, then in a later build step reference this assembly for further generation and output from the methods in the…
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4 answers

Code generator (.net)

Do you have any experience with T4 and T4 Editor? Can you compare it to CodeSmith or MyGeneration? What code generators do you use? What do you recommend? I want to use it for generatig of SPs. Is there anything else you find code generation useful?
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1 answer

how to use c# class definition to generate code using codesmith

as I am always use db table as source for codesmith, but currently I don't have a table definition,just class definition, for example: public class RespObj { public string Status { get; set; } public string Msg { get; set; } …
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2 answers

C# CodeSmith LINQ to SQL question DELETE Operation

In a project I am working on I need to delete a "user" from my database. This "user" has two tables that reference it's foreign key. When hard deleting I am trying to delete all records from Table A and Table B that have foreign keys to the "user"…
Jason Zambouras
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2 answers

How to create .cs files automatically?

How to create .cs files automatically in Visual Studio ? I want to create a macro / extension / template to not repeating common codes. I want to generate them like; I want to write "Customer" in a textbox; And this "generator" will generate…
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2 answers

How to add generated files to multiple projects using CodeSmith tools

I'm using CodeSmith on my current project and I'm trying to figure out an issue. For my CodeSmith project (.csp) I can select an option to have it automatically add all generated files to the current project (.csproj). But I want to be able to add…
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3 answers

NHibernate, Codesmith and project physical architecture

Recently I tried CodeSmith templates for NHibernate. As many of you might watched, there is a video explaining how to create a Petshop.Data using these templates. My question is what is the correct architecture in this approach? Should we have a BLL…
Mahdi Taghizadeh
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1 answer

Generate code from SPs using codesmith or MyGeneration?

I have CodeSmith and MyGeneration tools. I have SPs in SQL server. I want generate VB.Net code for SPs (not for Tables). Which templates will support for this? Please share if you know any templates that generates code from SP?.
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1 answer

Preserve SQL with CodeSmith

How would I create a procedure with a PRESERVE region like this: CREATE PROCEDURE RunSQL AS --region Custom processing --endregion SELECT * FROM SomeTable GO
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