Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
2 answers

Chrome Options in Python Selenium : Disable GPU vs Headless

In python-selenium chrome_options, What exactly is the difference between the following two options, I know both runs the selenium script without opening the browser.…
Mahesh Kumaran
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Can I still specify a path to chromedriver using ChromeOptions in Python?

I received this error: "WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH." The only way I was able to fix it was to manually add one of the locations of chromedriver like this: driver =…
1 answer

Change ChromeOptions in an existing webdriver

Scenario: There is a requirement of downloading files from web hierarchy to local drive under same hierarchy. Example Web Hierarchy: Parent 1: Child 1: *File 1 Child 2: *File 2 When downloading File 1, it should store in…
2 answers

Python Selenium Chrome disable prompt for "Trying to download multiple files"

I am currently running a Python automator which needs to download multiple files within the same session using Selenium Chromedriver. The problem is that when the browser attempts to download the second file and read it, the browser will not…
2 answers

Where can I find a list of all available ChromeOptions with selenium?

Where can I find a list of all available Chrome Options with selenium? While crawling with selenium in a python environment, I had to use flash in the chrome webdriver. so I tried to find a setting that would allow Flash and I found these…
2 answers

How to change browser language of webdriverio

I would like to change browser language. but it is not working. default browser language is displayed.. capabilities: [{ browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: { args: ['--lang=ja'] } }],
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What does double dash (--) implies in Selenium ChromeOptions

I am using selenium with java and I am using some chrome options with it. But I see different usages of chrome options in different sources. I mean some folks using double dash before the option and some do not (like disable-dev-shm-usage and…
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Pass audio from file to Chrome using selenium

I'm trying to pass .wav file to Google Web Speech API Demonstration with "--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/path/to/file.wav" Using Web Speech API requires selecting a language and clicking the microphone icon. In result, I expect the .wav file…
2 answers

Chrome browsing windows stays open even after session failed with WebDriverException

I am using selenium 3.141.59 with chrome 79 and chromedriver 79. Randomly I am getting an exception from RemoteWebDriver.get(url); and that session removing from the selenium server. But the Chrome window stays open. Because of that, I am not able…
1 answer

Selenium newer Chrome cannot disable browser notification (Tried other solns)

I know this is an old question, and I've tried answers from a few posts such as Disable Chrome notifications (Selenium) Unfortunately none worked, the browser notification popup still comes and interrupts my simulations. My Chrome version is…
0 answers

How to change already set chrome options while running tests?

While sharing screen from webrtc application, user gets 3 options. 1. Share entire screen 2. Share specific tab 3. Share specific application I need to automate these TC's. Have found a way to do it individually on different browser driver by…
1 answer

ChromeOptions to set browser zoom to 80%

I would like to set the default zoom value to 80% when opening the browser for a selenium framework. Something along the lines of below. Is this possible with ChromeOptions. private static ChromeOptions GetChromeOptions() { ChromeOptions…
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Selenium ChromeDriver - is it possible to load multiple extensions?

(I'm new so don't kill me, please) I'm trying to start ChromeDriver for a Chromium-based browser with multiple unpacked extensions, thus (simplified for your convenience, but basically the same as in the code): foreach (var path in…
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Protractor - disable 'harmful' download message on chrome

I'm trying to download a file in my test. I've managed to start the download without getting the download prompt. the problem now is that I'm getting a warning saying that "This type of file can harm your computer.Do you want to keep...anyway?" and…
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1 answer

Selenium ChromeDriver is getting timed out after google profile is loaded

I wanted to load the chromedriver with default profile of chrome. I used the below code to do that. var options=new ChromeOptions(); options.AddArguments("--user-data-dir=C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"); var drivers=new…
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