Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
1 answer

add_experimental_option() missing 1 required positional argument: 'value'

I used the following code according to this post Set chrome.prefs with python binding for selenium in chromedriver chroptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions chroptions.add_experimental_option('prefs',{'download.default_directory' :…
Helena K
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Setting a particular chrome driver setting/option

I need to uncheck "Ask where to save each file before downloading" Chrome setting via selenium: I don't even know where to start since the documentation page doesn't contain the list of all available options. And, I haven't found the appropriate…
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Chrome WebDriver - C#.NET How to load existing chrome cookie/profile, so I can bypass the authentication

I am having really difficult during development. Every time I run a Selenium test via VS.NET, the website I want to automate always ask for all security questions. It's very time-consuming. If I open the same webpage using Chrome, it has all the…
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How to address "Options is not defined error" in Python Selenium?

I've recently have gotten a problem where, while using Selenium, wanted to use my default chrome browser profile, so it's signed in and everything, but when searched up on google, it gave me a code which is basicallty this: chrome_options =…
3 answers

No module named 'options' exception

Trying to run selenium with this code but it keeps saying: No module named 'options' found Code: import os import sys import subprocess import pkg_resources import selenium from selenium import webdriver #from selenium import options import…
1 answer

AttributeError: 'Options' object has no attribute 'self' error using ChromeOptions for headless Google Chromethrough Selenium Python

So I've been trying to get headless chrome working for days. I have no idea whats wrong !! I've tried everything I can find in the forums relating to the issue. Right now this is the code im running (it's a direct snippet from someone else's…
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Python - Save to PDF screen not displaying in chrome 85.0.4183.102

With Reference to the solution from: Chromedriver Save as PDF method not working Am having issue in displaying Ctrl+P for saving to PDF, the screen appears with all the fields disabled and will closes immediately. Am using the solution provided in…
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Selenium: Disable headless when code is running? (Python)

I saw this post: How to make headless browser visible Python But apparently it's not possible to disable headless once the code is running, is there an alternative? My code detects if there is a captcha on the page, displays the window and once the…
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chrome_options.add_extension adds the extension in switch off mode

I am using chrome_options.add_extension to add the extension into chrome browser and it works fine but the extension is loading in switch off mode. How can i handle that in script. chrome_options = ChromeOptions() …
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How to run the Chrome Beta version with ChromeDriver using Selenium?

i am trying to run the chrome beta version with selenium Web-driver. When i run the test case i got the following error on console see image please: I have added following lines in the node config file: { "capabilities": [ { …
0 answers

What does w3c : false under chrome options assert?

I am trying to run a protractor test, and had to include the following chromeOptions: { args: ["--incognito"], w3c : false } Had to set w3c flag to false, as it was affecting the keyboard events. But by doing so, the…
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How to declare ChromeOptions and chrome Driver as a Public method to blockBrowserNotification_ Testng

I have worked with Selenium and TestNG to Automate my web based application, in TestNG, we have more test methods, so I declared my chrome Driver and ChromeOptions as a public like below code, ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); //declared…
1 answer

C# Selenium: How to click Accept button that is not in the DOM in a Sharepoint Folder Upload dialogue box

I have searched StackOverflow and could not find the correct solution for the following problem: In an internal Sharepoint site, after clicking Upload, and then Folders, I use SendKeys.SendWait to input the directory location,. And then after…
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How to block third party party JS using chrome profile 'managed_javascript_blocked_for_urls'

I have an automation suite running on an e-commerce website, which has a lot of third party JS content I do not want to load while running my tests. I am looking for ways to block the unwanted content on the website to reduce the page load time. I…
1 answer

selenium python fullscreen_window

I want to put full window, but it only leaves me 800x600 def driver(request): from selenium import webdriver from import Options options =…
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