Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
2 answers

Selenium - Mobile Emulation - how do I add user Agent to Chrome options while automating the emulator?

Below are the capabilities I added. I am getting a Google reCAPTCHA in my website which can be trespassed by adding user agent. But even after the addition of user agent I am still getting the captcha. Is there another way to add it? Map
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What are the different chromeoptions for webdriver

For the ChromeOptions class in selenium, how can I find out all the keys like profile.default_content_settings.popups, download.default_directory which I can use with chromeoptions class to perform browser specific setting. ChromeOptions option =…
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.NET - Selenium chromeOptions set preference for devtools

i'm trying to set a devtool preference for the chrome webdriver in .net, with the following code (Selenium) ChromeOptions opts = new ChromeOptions(); opts.AddUserProfilePreference("devtools.preferences.Inspector.drawerSplitViewState",…
1 answer

ChromeDriver - headless option causes WebDriver to crash, when applied over added extension

Our framework uses “basic authenticator” extension that automatically takes care of authentication dialogs. The problem is that when attempting to run tests in headless mode, chromedriver crashes with following…
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How to address "The constructor ChromeDriver(Capabilities) is deprecated" and WebDriverException: Timed out error with ChromeDriver and Chrome

I'm trying to config the default download directory as below, it's works correctly but I'm having two issues : String exePath = "src\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe"; System.setProperty("", exePath); String…
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"Save as PDF" should be an option by default in Chrome (by Protractor)

If I create Chrome shortcut with the Traget "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --print-to-pdf it opens Chrome with "Save as PDF" option by default. That's fine. But if I try to do it using Protractor config…
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Cannot disabe DevTools listening on ws in chrome

I am getting this message and previously used the accepted solution here: Chrome devmode suddenly turning on in selenium Previously this worked for me. Upon reinstall however, I have noticed this no longer works. SO for example: options =…
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Launch Chrome with a specific Homepage using Selenium-Java

I am trying to launch Chrome with a specific Homepage set. Given below is the code, I am using: package WebDriverInitialization; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import…
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How to TakeScreenshots Selenium ChromeOption Driver

Not able to capture screen shots for electron application using java . Here is my code for webdriver setup. ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions(); chromeOptions.setBinary("/Applications/"); …
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How can I run a selenium script in the background or minimize mode?

I am writing a script in Selenium WebDriver using C#. I want to run this script in the background or minimize mode. I don't want to display the browser to the user. I tried the Chrome Options class and its properties to accomplish the task but…
1 answer

Chrome crashes on screenshot using Protractor/Jasmine screenshot reporter

I've noticed that when running my protractor E2E tests in Chrome, whenever a spec fails and my reporter tries to take a screenshot, Chrome will crash with the below error log. Tests without failures work fine. IE and FF with failures work…
0 answers

Selenium webdriver - How to set "extensions-update-frequency" in ChromeOptions class

It seems you can't automate an extension update on the chrome extensions page using selenium webdriver (by clicking on the "update now" button. The button gets clicked but the click event is not registering any update as it should. After a little…
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How to solve random chromedriver 90 exceptions like DevToolsActivePort, extension background and timeout exceptions?

Im getting the following exceptions randomly when launching chromedriver 90 for selenium automation. - failed to wait for extension background - time out exception - DevToolsActivePort file doesn't…
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Selenium WebDriver Java Chrome - How to select an existing profile and automatically select the personal certificates?

I am trying to create a Java Selenium WebDriver script to setup Chrome & Firefox browsers. Firefox was very easy and successful. However, I am running into 2 problems setting up the Chrome section of code to do the same things. I am working in a…
1 answer

how can I test a remember me feature using selenium python

how can I write a test case validation for a remember me button as selenium every time opens a new instance of the browser with no cookies. I heard ChromeOptions class can store cookies in a private file. I tried searching for the argument and…