Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
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Is there a way to allow chrome use your camera and microphone for selenium script? I don't want to pass fake stream

I am aware of ChromeOptions and passing fake media stream options.addArguments("use-fake-device-for-media-stream"); options.addArguments("use-fake-ui-for-media-stream"); But I don't want to pass fake media. I want to use my laptop's camera
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How to disable camera and microphone popup alert via Selenium WebDriver tests?

Currently, I have tests which perform a specific test flow however this specific flow causes Chrome to present the user (Tests) with a microphone, camera alert popups: I need a way to disable the alerts via Selenium Webdriver / Java, I have…
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chromedriver doesn't make use of download.defaultDirectory

Using ruby, selenium, capybara, cucumber; Setting local driver in env.rb next way: args = %w[--ignore-certificate-errors --window-size=1360,998] prefs = { download: { default_directory: "#{Directories::DATA}/downloads", …
3 answers

Chrome works in headless mode on linux Server but shows "DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist" error in gui mode through Selenium and Python

selenium code to automate on chrome browser. chrome version: 79.0.3945.117 (same for local and server machine) chrome driver: tried all latest & below till chrome version driver. Execution Status - On Local machine: Works fine in headless and…
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Chrome options Proxy Bypass List not working

I've been trying to add arguments to my Chrome Options to use a proxy and to ignore certain URL's. I've followed the documentation and am trying to run this very simple test: @Test public void myTest(){ ChromeOptions options = new…
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UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure

While executing my suite dynamically on grid using docker-compose, I am getting the following exception stacktrace: org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the…
Sagar Jani
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selenium RemoteWebDriver opens but ChromeOptions are not passed to Selenium Grid

I have been trying to resolve a few issues with RemoteWebDriver and ChromeOptions using docker and selenium grid. The main issue is with the proxy but I half resolved that with a proxy pac file passing the pac file url as an arg into ChromeOptions.…
3 answers

Chrome headless browser with corporate proxy authetication not working

I am trying to run a Chrome headless browser sitting behind a corporate proxy. I tried below code. But unable to pass through it. public class HeadlessChrome { WebDriver driver; @Test public void createChromeDriverHeadless() throws…
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Passing chromeOptions args to the selenium node in .json file on Linux

I'm trying to create node with following configurations: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar -role node -nodeConfig node-conf.json As you see I'm passing config in a json file. It sets…
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How To Hide Chrome Web Driver Icon (Python-Selenium)

UPDATED WITH REASONING Goal: Run chrome web driver in background without showing an app icon in the dock or application bar. FYI: I can already run chrome headless, but I have not been able to hide or not show the chrome icon in my app bar. Reason:…
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chromeOptions responsive mode show device frame argument?

Is there an argument so I can setup the chromeOptions to show the device Frame in responsive mode here is what I use so far: HashMap mobileEmulation = new HashMap(); mobileEmulation.put("deviceName",…
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ChromeOptions and DesiredCapabilities relations in Selenium and C#

I've been searching for the correct documentation on how to use ChromeOptions and DesiredCapabilities in the atmosphere of Selenium and C#, but since it's all open sourced, I only find suggestions (and they are not helping sometimes). My question…
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Capture XHR / Ajax requests in Chrome

I am using LogType.WebBrowser, LogLevel.All to capture console output from Chrome's console output window But for some reason, I am not capturing the XHR messages under the 'Debug' tab Can anyone tell me why, I can't capture these XHR logs?
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Getting network information with ChromeDriver in C#

I'm trying to access the network tab information from a chrome page that was launched with ChromeDriver in C#. I would like total data transferred and page load time at the least... I've been messing around with setting different ChromeOptions and…
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How to get chromeOptions value from remote webdriver capabilities?

Once start the test run, remote web-driver has initialized for the given capabilities: Below is the selenium node log:[Here I am setting some chrome options] 19:16:08.245 INFO - Creating a new session for Capabilities [{browserName=chrome,…