Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
1 answer

"ChromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference" updating in a wrong format in Selenium C#

I wanted to update Chrome Profile preferences in Selenium C# to make a popup disappear by adding following line as part of Chrome Options. string url = ""; string envName =…
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Configured ChromeDriver capabilities are lost after building the WebDriver in Node Selenium

I'm trying to add in the default download path with chrome capabilities using the code shown below: const test = async () => { let builder = await new Builder().forBrowser("chrome"); let chromeCapabilities = builder.getCapabilities(); //…
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Unable to add chromeoptions argument while running headless using cmd

My code contains these lines in java. Locally on windows, it runs fine in eclipse, but when I run it using a batch-file, it creates the options object and just closes the program without any error or logs. It does not execute the lines with…
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Why is my not working?

Before I get blasted in my comments on this question, I am well aware that this is a possible duplication of this link, but the answer provided is not helping me out with my instance of code, even after applying an adjusted version of the answer in…
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How can the Chrome Settings page be opened through a hyperlink?

I am building an app that requires the user to change a Chrome setting. It will be more convenient to send the user directly to chrome://settings instead of having them open it manually via the menu, but when I try and open it directly or through a…
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Robot framework - Selenium - ChromeOptions "Prompt For Download" not working when downloading a file

I'm using robot framework with selenium for automating my web application. I'm trying to open chrome browser and download a XML file and then parse it from the results folder ${OUTPUT_DIR}. Every time I'm trying to download any file, chrome browser…
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How to open Chrome browser maximized and supressing the infobars through ChromeOptions and addArguments using Selenium Java

I am using Chrome driver on mac, and when opening the browser I have these options WebDriver driver; @Before public void setup() { ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.addArguments("use-fake-ui-for-media-stream"); …
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How can I open the Chrome browser in mobile mode using the Selenium webdriver for load testing in JMeter?

I want to open a URL in the Chrome browser, but in mobile mode during my load test in JMeter. I am using Selenium scripts. Below is my Selenium script var pkg = JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium, // Import Java Selenium…
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Groovy, Selenium, Cucumber, adding ChromeOptions arguments

I wanted to create a BaseTest.groovy where i implement the Webdriver with headless mode. package api import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver import import class…
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Selenium Java Chrome error, DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist still unresolved for me

Update: This is not a duplicate qns as none of the solutions at Selenium: WebDriverException:Chrome failed to start: crashed as google-chrome is no longer running so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed worked for me I had my Java…
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How To Pass osVersion Capability Via Chrome Options To Browserstack

I have been refactoring my test framework to not use DesiredCapabilities since they are now Obsolete and there isn't a way to get rid of the warnings. I'm running into an issue when passing Options to BrowserStack where the OS and OSVersion options…
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ChromeOptions not getting applied

I am trying to open the chrome browser with devtools open in maximized window. Following code does not work, driver opens the URL in a smaller window without devtools. System.setProperty("", "
Jai S
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Chrome headless does not work with Re-direct (OAUTH2)

When I run my protractor project normally, everything is fine, but in headless mode, it does not work, times-out waiting for the first element I need. I feel that because the page redirects due to OAUTH2, in headless it fails. I have tried…
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can't open browser using chromeoptions python

i Tried using chromeoptions in python to open the browser, but am facing some issues ,i have given the executable path but also it is telling like that. New To Python With Selenium. Help Needed!! selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException:…
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Geb - ChromeOptions not being used

Geb test ignoring GebConfig.groovy file launched in IntelliJ helped me get the ChromeDriver to be used, but now I have the problem that ChromeOptions are not being used despite being supplied. I took the solution provided and just added the…
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