Questions tagged [chrome-options]

104 questions
1 answer

Access Chrome Options in JavaScript (optional: from Galen test)

I am using Galen (a JS tool for testing layout of a HTML page). It is configured from a .js file which can't use ES6 JS :-( I need to load/amend ChromeOptions from the Chrome driver but I can't figure out how to access it. I see lots of examples of…
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Why won't chrome option arguments work in remote web driver? (Selenium 3.11.0)

I have recently ugpraded to Chrome 65, ChromeDriver 2.37, and Selenium 3.11.0. I am trying to pass in chrome options into our remote web driver for our grid runs so that chrome starts maximized, but I can see from screenshots that the window is NOT…
2 answers

How to enable-site-per-process flag using chromeoptions in webdriver c#

In Chrome there is a Strict Site Isolation setting that can be manually enabled in chrome://flags/#enable-site-per-process page. I'm trying to enable this flag when testing Chrome using WebDriver C# bindings but it's not getting enabled. The switch…
2 answers

how to disable chrome pdf viewer in selenium and it should auto download in the default downloads when any pdf occurs

i m navigating a website where i have a situation that when I m clicking on a button it should download the pdf.... I am using the latest version of chrome 60, selenium 3.4, chromedriver. HashMap chromePrefs = new…
2 answers

unable to compile ChromeOption options.addarguments("--start-maximized") inside eclipse

Unable to compile code line "options.addarguments("--start-maximized") ", using selinum 3.0.1 and using ChromDriver_win32 latest version and eclispe Mars.. Let me know what i am missing. I am able to compile and run my test without options.. …
0 answers

no such session exception while Loading Default/Custom Chrome Profile to run tests using Selenium WebDriver

I am loading custom profile of chrome by using following code: ChromeDriverService chSvc = new ChromeDriverService.Builder().usingDriverExecutable(new…
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How to disable/enable "Save as" dialog in Selenium Chromedriver?

I googled this question and found a lot of answers, still non of the solutions worked for me. So my question is: how to Enable "Save as" dialog for Selenium Chromedriver? I want to see this dialog when I download a file. Good to see how to do it in…
Denis Koreyba
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How can I set the properties to ChromeOptions class?

I am writing a script in Selenium WebDriver using C#. In the script, I am downloading some documents from the webpage and I want to download it in a dynamic path. I am using ChromeOptions class and its method to accomplish the task. Here is my…
Ashish Sharma
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Where can I find the list of arguments for chrome and internet explorer?

Where can I find the list of arguments for chrome and internet explorer? Just like in Mozilla , we use 'about:config' for list of preferences. Is there any command to invoke in chrome browser to get thislist/ EDIT…
2 answers

ChromeOptions To Not Prompt For Download When Running RemoteDriver

I'm trying to debug why when running remote webdriver tests on a headless linux host download dialogs are presented in chrome. I believe the chrome version is 45. Couple of Env Details Selenium 2.53 (gem) Selenium 2.53 Server Jar Chrome Driver…
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How do i make an option page in a chrome (non-legacy) packaged app

Some time ago, there were still chrome packaged legacy apps which had the ability to make options-pages. I want to use the option-page in my chrome app, but when I try to use it, the extension page shows: ''options_page' is only allowed for…
1 answer

Selenium ChromeOptions Prefs Default OpenFileDialog Directory

I can use: chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("download.default_directory", downloadDirectory); to set the default download directory, but I can't seem to figure out what the prefs key is for setting the default open file directory. I tried…
1 answer

passing ChromeOptions without instantiating new WebDriver

I am trying to pass in ChromeOptions to my driver to allow for popups. I am using TestNG with the @BeforeClass, @Test, and @AfterClass annotations.. I am trying to enable pop ups and I have been succesful in doing so using the following…
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Applying options to other scripts in Chrome extension

I'm writing my first Chrome extension and have hit a brick wall when it comes to setting and using "options." I've used Google's documentation to learn how to set up an options page and have opted to set it as my default popup in the…
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