Questions tagged [browser-cache]

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

The browser cache is nothing more than a place on your hard disk where the browser keeps things that it downloaded in case they're needed again.

For example, the first time you visit a web page, the browser will download some files like the logo image or icon images, so that it can be shown.

Since it's faster to get something to display from your hard disk than it is to get it from the internet, every time thereafter when you visit the same web page or any page on that domain, the browser will be searching for the required images and other files on its cache folder. Only if not found it goes to the internet to download them.

2673 questions
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browser caching not disabled after disabling in .htaccess

I am having a strange problem in one of my wordpress websites. The problem is that when a webpage is rendered once, editing that page won't be effected afterwards. So no matter how many times you refresh the page(using F5), it will show the old…
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Is a ReactJS built web app save against cache issues?

When I build a react Web App and a customer loads the app (css and js files) in the cache. Is it save against update, so when there is an update, the cache will recreate like adding a version to the files?
T. Karter
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Flash Builder 4.5 custom compiler arguments - file versioning vs caching files

I've got an app that consists of a shell app which loads in other modules. As I've made changes and put them on the web of course others on the team haven't seen updates because of older versions they've cached. Now of course a simple fix is to…
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Can I copy one domain's application cache to another domain in Google Chrome

The question might sound little weird. But assume that, I visit a website regularly and over a period of time my Google Chrome browser has cached ~ 800MB of browsing data for that site. These cached application data includes visited links, cached…
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Cache busting a Reactjs web application

I'm developing an application in ReactJS where I quite often push new changes to the the application. When the users load upp the application they do not always get the newest version of the application causing breaking changes and errors with the…
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How to Setup Cache on Apache Server Correctly

I have followed the tutorial to setup Browser Caching on My Droplet: What I want to accomplish for now is set up a year-long cache on all files…
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Service Worker stores files in Content Cache files with content-length: 0

While developing a PWA, I'm using a service worker to download and store files in a cache. I noticed all text resources (json, js, css, html) all had content-length 0 as they were not being cached. While all other files (images, sounds, fonts) had…
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Clear browser cache for CORS

I need to clear the cache for one file in Chrome. I was setting up loading a font from my own CDN, and added the cache-control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable header. However, I did not setup CORS correctly, so I got a CORS error. Now, that…
0 answers

IHttpActionResult image response and caching

We are trying to cache images at the browser using Web-Api 2.0. There is not in-built solution for Web-Api 2.0 as we found out. But is there some way we can implement something ourselves for browser cache. So far this is our code for image…
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How to reach Chrome's cache with python

I want to periodically fetch a certain data from a website. However the problem is that the content of the website cannot viewed with selenium or any other means. The website blocks every attempt. What i found as a workaround is to start windows…
0 answers

Browser caching of mostly static web pages

I'm building a CMS website where most of the pages are static aside from the user menu at the top which either says "Log in" or "Logged in as Foo". Standard stuff. I'd like to set a medium length Cache-control: max-age header (e.g. a few hours) on…
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Rendering very large HTML file like viewing a video

I'm wondering if there is any browser to read a very big html file 300Mb to 3Gb, just like a video file. For example, rendering the html code by caching a code section of the big html and display that section in the browser. As far as I know, if the…
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Do service worker cached pages mean the page request will never reach my nginx or server?

I was looking into the benefits of integrating service workers with an application. As I understand it, a good simplification is that the SW will intercept all network requests from the client and check the cache. If the resource is cached, it will…
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Does 'cache-control: public' actually have any effect?

Is cache-control: public, max-age=60 handled any differently by any known caches than cache-control: max-age=60? I've struggled to verify it, but I assume that if any cache-control instructions exist on a response, then it is assumed that that…
Robin Winslow
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Max filesize for browser caching

How can I check the maximum filesize that a browser will cache? I'm making a webgl app that has some large models. And the larger ones are never cached. I'd like to spilt these up but need to know what is the max limit. Chrome is of particular…
Ben Gannaway
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