Questions tagged [versioning]

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.

The following are some popular versioning software used:

  1. Git
  2. Subversion (SVN)
  3. Microsoft TFS
2896 questions
32 answers

Homebrew install specific version of formula?

How do I install a specific version of a formula in homebrew? For example, postgresql-8.4.4 instead of the latest 9.0.
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4 answers

How to mark a method as obsolete or deprecated?

How do I mark a method as obsolete or deprecated using C#?
Chris Ballance
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5 answers

Definition of "downstream" and "upstream"

I've started playing with Git and have come across the terms "upstream" and "downstream". I've seen these before but never understood them fully. What do these terms mean in the context of SCMs (Software Configuration Management tools) and source…
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7 answers

Best practices for API versioning?

Are there any known how-tos or best practices for web service REST API versioning? I have noticed that AWS does versioning by the URL of the endpoint. Is this the only way or are there other ways to accomplish the same goal? If there are multiple…
Swaroop C H
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27 answers

Is there a way to get version from package.json in nodejs code?

Is there a way to get the version set in package.json in a nodejs app? I would want something like this var port = process.env.PORT || 3000 app.listen port console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode %s", app.address().port,…
Abhik Bose Pramanik
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28 answers

How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files?

We are currently working in a private beta and so are still in the process of making fairly rapid changes, although obviously as usage is starting to ramp up, we will be slowing down this process. That being said, one issue we are running into is…
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9 answers

How to have an auto incrementing version number (Visual Studio)?

I want to store a set of integers that get auto incremented at build time: int MajorVersion = 0; int MinorVersion = 1; int Revision = 92; When I compile, it would auto-increment Revision. When I build the setup project, it would increment…
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7 answers

npm - how to show the latest version of a package

How do I use npm to show the latest version of a module? I am expecting something like npm --latest express to print out v3.0.0.
Trantor Liu
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17 answers

Temporarily put away uncommitted changes in Subversion (a la "git-stash")

While programming software stored in a Subversion repo, I often modify some files, then notice that I'd like to do some preparatory change for my main work. E.g. while implementing new functionality, I notice some refactoring which might help me. In…
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17 answers

A definitive guide to API-breaking changes in .NET

I would like to gather as much information as possible regarding API versioning in .NET/CLR, and specifically how API changes do or do not break client applications. First, let's define some terms: API change - a change in the publicly visible…
Pavel Minaev
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12 answers

Best Practice: Software Versioning

Is there any guideline or standard best practice how to version a software you develop in your spare time for fun, but nevertheless will be used by some people? I think it's necessary to version such software so that you know about with version one…
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32 answers

How to compare two strings in dot separated version format in Bash?

Is there any way to compare such strings on bash, e.g.: 2.4.5 and 2.8 and
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12 answers

How to version control a record in a database

Let's say that I have a record in the database and that both admin and normal users can do updates. Can anyone suggest a good approach/architecture how to version control every change in this table so it's possible to rollback a record to a…
Niels Bosma
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30 answers

How do you compare two version Strings in Java?

Is there a standard idiom for comparing version numbers? I can't just use a straight String compareTo because I don't know yet what the maximum number of point releases there will be. I need to compare the versions and have the following hold…
Bill the Lizard
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11 answers

How to Store Historical Data

Some co-workers and I got into a debate on the best way to store historical data. Currently, for some systems, I use a separate table to store historical data, and I keep an original table for the current, active record. So, let's say I have table…
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