Questions tagged [browser-cache]

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

The browser cache is nothing more than a place on your hard disk where the browser keeps things that it downloaded in case they're needed again.

For example, the first time you visit a web page, the browser will download some files like the logo image or icon images, so that it can be shown.

Since it's faster to get something to display from your hard disk than it is to get it from the internet, every time thereafter when you visit the same web page or any page on that domain, the browser will be searching for the required images and other files on its cache folder. Only if not found it goes to the internet to download them.

2673 questions
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browser cache keeps sessions

i use sessions to login to user panel: i have a login page and if you enter username and password correctly it sets sessions and redirect you to user panel page, and in user panel page it checks sessions: if (isset($_SESSION['login']) and…
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1 answer

How can I make browsers cache html files?

I want browsers to cache html files. I set up Apache2.4 and confirm css, js, png are cached, but html files are never cached. Chrome 90 and Edge 90 Apache 2.4 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault…
1 answer

Cakephp 1.2 page goes white on any form submission

I have a local cakephp 1.2 app which was working fine last night. Currently when I submit any form, the resulting page goes white/blank. This is what I have tried: Cleared browser cache Commented out my memcache in core.php Turn debug on to 2, in…
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FTP Transfer of CSS and JS files not updating on site

Looking for some advice on what to do in the case that FTP file transfers don't update on the web browser, after clearing cache and also trying incognito. FYI - this is a wordpress site and the static files are loaded through functions.php. There is…
Nonna Vee
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Resource cached with max-age=0

I have a resource that is served with the following headers: Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 Connection: keep-alive Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: application/javascript;charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 05 May 2021 12:22:58 GMT etag:…
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Service Worker cache vs Browser cache performance

Currently I try to speed up a page, which has some bigger JavaScript libraries loaded (roughly 20 different assets, all together round 3MB). I have tried Service Workers but this seems to only work half the way. For example not all assets seems to…
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The proxy ignore headers didn't work when I use expires in proxied server

I use nginx to proxy another nginx server, but this is somethine wrong about cache. The proxied server config file: location ~* .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico|txt|pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx|vtt)$ { include…
0 answers

Versioning your files to avoid browser cache in PhpStorm

I read the no cache solution and this one on the web here: where to fix this problem, you needed to add versioning to your util.js file request on the