Questions tagged [browser-cache]

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

Browser caches are an instance of the optimization mechanism known as a cache.

The browser cache is nothing more than a place on your hard disk where the browser keeps things that it downloaded in case they're needed again.

For example, the first time you visit a web page, the browser will download some files like the logo image or icon images, so that it can be shown.

Since it's faster to get something to display from your hard disk than it is to get it from the internet, every time thereafter when you visit the same web page or any page on that domain, the browser will be searching for the required images and other files on its cache folder. Only if not found it goes to the internet to download them.

2673 questions
0 answers

Gif image file not cached in browser

i have a trouble with my banner gif file, my banner quite big ~ 10MB . I'm running with my WordPress + W3total cache + CDN S3-CloudFront. I use cache and use CDN with guest only. When i logged with my admin, it not use any cache and all my assets…
0 answers

Angular - Requests in cache and difference in between Cache automatic and ShareReplay

I have an Angular application that consumes an API with JSON feedback. I want her not to make requests to the API all the time. I saw that people use ShareReplay a lot. My question is as follows. When I look at the browser, when I make a second…
2 answers

Service workers and the two caches

I've always assumed (though not seen it explicitly stated) that the following is the path of a HTTPS request when a service worker is installed: The browser encounters an image with a URL. A HTTPS request is initiated. The request passes through…
Björn Morén
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0 answers

Cache Issues on new Website Version (Netlify - PWA Problem?)

yesterday I merged a preview deploy branch on Netlify with a bunch of changes into the master production branch for the site . (the main custom domain is Although many customers are…
1 answer

Mobile detect directive only works after first refresh

I am trying to detect mobile devices and send them to a different directory on my server. The desktop version of the website is a WordPress website; the mobile version is HTML. At the moment, the mobile website only loads if I refresh the page. The…
David Gaskin
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1 answer

Get ad logged in user mail

I have create a html file and hosted it in azure app service(kudos-wwwroot folder) and enabled ad authentication by enabling app registration Is there any way to capture ad logged in user mail id in html file? The extension are used in html page are…
0 answers

Workbox not working when offline, some .svg icons result in net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED

Library Affected: workbox-sw 4.3.1 Browser & Platform: all browsers Issue or Feature Request Description: globPatterns not working workbox-config.js: module.exports = { globDirectory: "dist/", globPatterns: [ …
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How to use Cache storage without browser cache?

I store some files on client side using Cache storage. These file names are stored in cached array. When I update these files on the server, I use clear HTTP parameter to clear the Cache storage and reload it from server. However, the browser cache…
Jan Turoň
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0 answers

type="module" within