Questions tagged [ondemand]

"On demand" originally denotes "pull" reporting; it suggests that decision-making information can be generated or retrieved at will. More recently it is often used to connote SaaS.

"On demand" originally denotes "pull" reporting; it suggests that decision-making information can be generated or retrieved at will, as opposed to a scheduled "push". (This correlates historically and functionally to the "just in time" model of supply chain management that became popular in the 1990's.) The term has strong marketing appeal and now is used to suggest convenient application deployment or SaaS. This value for branding purposes has created ambiguity in usage.

134 questions
5 answers

How to add a caption to an image in Confluence Ondemand?

I've inserted an image in a Confluence page. There does not seem to be an option to add a caption to provide a short explanation of the image. I found a link - that "explains" how to add…
sudhir shakya
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2 answers

PRISM and WPF how to add a module on demand

I have a set of tabs in my shell window and one main region whicxh is a contentcontrol. I also have four modules that I want to load on demand when a certain tab is selected. So when tab1 is selected I want to load moduleA, when tab2 is selected I…
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3 answers

Setting up a VPN Configuration Profile on iOS 7

I had a configuration profile that I had set up on iOS 6, so that when a certain URL is hit, the VPN kicks in. I was doing this using the following configuration profile…
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3 answers

JIRA On-Demand Querying by parent

I'm using the On Demand version of Jira. I need a filter that will show me: All issues within a particular epic AND all sub tasks of those issues. So effectively: Epic Story 1 Sub Task 1 Sub Task 2 Defect 1 Story 2 Sub Task 3 Sub Task…
Paul Fleming
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1 answer

Carrierwave on the fly resize

I'm using carrierwave and I have this problem: Suppose once the project has been delivered you need to add a section where the images in the system need to be displayed with a different size. I don' t want to regenerate the new dimension for each…
2 answers

AWS Spot/OnDemand Instance Management

Is there a way to elegantly Script/Configure Spot instances request, if Spot not available in some specified duration, just use OnDemand. And if Spot instance gets terminated just shift to OnDemand. Spot Fleet does not do this (it just manages only…
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Azure Scheduler fails to trigger OnDemand WebJob published with WebApp

Some time ago, I used Visual Studio (2015) to create a WebApp, a console app and link that console app as OnDemand WebJob to the WebApp. I published the whole to Azure and the website, the WebJob and the Scheduler Job worked perfectly. Last week, I…
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2 answers

Will Prism OnDemand module loading work in an OOB scenerio?

Should the loading of OnDemand Prism modules work in an OOB scenerio? If so, I cannot seem to make it work. Everything is currently working in browser without any problems. Specifically I: register my modules in code: protected override…
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1 answer

Performance governor doesn't locks the CPU frequency at max

I'm running real-time application on the dedicated X3440 server and wondering why the application performance is worse than my former VPS box. Then I download and execute it to see that under normal…
2 answers

Split Install API is not available. error code - 5 while installing dynamic feature Android Studio

I have published my .aab apks bundle to internal testing realease mode. When i try to install dynamic feature on demand it give me exception: Split Install Error(-5): Split Install…
1 answer

SSRS 2008 R2 Drill Down On-Demand to Sub Report

In SSRS 2008 R2, I was under the impression that a drill down to a sub-report would query the data on-demand. This isn't the case when my report gets rendered. Specifically, I have a Tablix that initially loads rows grouped by Person. When someone…
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2 answers

How to stream on demand video with load balancing

I am triyng to figure out how to load balance my video server. The real world scenario is; i have a storage server which stores all my video files, an several servers to load balance my http request(works like a CDN service). Client requests a…
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2 answers

Using Amazon AWS as a development server.

I'm still cheap. I have a software development environment which is a bog-standard Ubuntu 11.04 plus a pile of updates from Canonical. I would like to set it up such that I can use an Amazon EC2 instance for the 2 hours per week when I need to do…
3 answers

How to load Google's Custom-search-engine(CSE) JS APIs after page loads?

I am using Google Custom Search Engine with their new auto-completion feature. I want this whole javascript to be loaded AFTER the page itself is loaded. The original Google code is this: